Main trends affecting research and innovation in the communications networks area Societal drivers: Urbanisation Smart cities Mobility Information availability Social networks Privacy Security Energy efficiency Demographic trends Healthcare Education … Research & Technology drivers: Capacity/Efficiency Service/Content centricity Virtualisation & “Cloudification” Cognition Context awareness Manageability Self-organisation Self-optimisation Cross-layer optimisation Flexibility Smart environments, Sensors M2M …
Clean Slate/ Visionary Internet Evolutionary Internet Motivations years old internet architecture, host centric -- Not design to natively support mobility, security, QoS… -- Issues solved from overlay perspective; -- multiple approaches proposed to develop new Internet architectures: ICN, CCN, NDN…Idea: decouple content from access port; -- Still unsolved problems: scalability is typical; applicability to large range of applications Objectives --Further validate innovative architectural approaches; -- Solve unsolved remaining issues; -- get closer to deployment, validate migration paths. Novel Internet Architectures
ICT 5. Smart Networks and novel Internet Architectures (23 M€) Novel architectural and networking approaches to information delivery and access Key functionalities: Security, trust, mobility and scalability (built-in) Impact: Strengthen the EU datacom/telecom industry Contribution to industrial strategies and roadmaps Establish links with international initiatives Contribution to large scale trials Type of Action: Research and Innovation – Small projects
Motivations, technological building blocks for: -- Flexibility in both optical and wireless networks, -- higher rates, access and core; -- application to novel usage scenarios (e.g. data centres connectivity, novel user driven scenarios..) -- New frequency bands and spectrum usages (both fiber and wireless) -- satellite role and contribution Smart network technologies
ICT 6. Smart optical and wireless network technologies 1/2 Innovative network technologies addressing the increasing traffic and the multiplicity of usages (29 M€) Optical networks - Flexible management - Very high speed transmission and access - Efficient data center architectures Scalability, cost and energy efficiency Wireless networks - New paradigms for wireless connectivity - Flexible use of spectrum - Addressing usage diversity Hybrid (terrestrial/satellite) infrastructure for extensive coverage and resilience
ICT 6. Smart optical and wireless network technologies 2/2. Expected impact: - Strengthen current EU industrial capabilities on wireless and optical - Reduce energy consumption (10x) - Higher spectrum efficiency, lower radiation - Support new applications and services - Community building, coordination with national initiatives (Support Actions) Type of action: Research and Innovation – Small projects Support Actions (2M€) Support to dissemination, standardisation, international cooperation, industrial roadmapping, etc
Inducement Prizes Network Technologies a) Breaking the optical transmission barriers Maximise the fiber transmission capacity per channel b) Collaborative sharing of spectrum Novel methods for decentralised spectrum management Impact : - Stimulate high-level scientific work - Attract new organisations - Create ICT awareness on public and young researchers Type of action: Prizes (2X 1 M€)