1 TPB Access for All Committee’s Recommendations on Transit Services for People with Disabilities John Hudson TPB Access for All Advisory Committee Presentation to the TPB December 17, 2003
2 Background
3 Nationwide Trends in Transportation for People with Disabilities 30% of people with disabilities report a problem with adequate transportation versus 10% of the general population 30% of people with disabilities report a problem with adequate transportation versus 10% of the general population (NOD Harris 2000 Survey) Transportation difficulties keep over a half of million people with disabilities at home (BTS 2002 Survey) Transportation difficulties keep over a half of million people with disabilities at home (BTS 2002 Survey)
4 585,000 People with Disabilities in the Region One of Largest Minority Groups Washington Regional Demographic Profile 2000 Census In addition, the poverty rate for people with disabilities is 50% higher than the general population
5 Transit Services for People with Disabilities Fixed Route: Accessible bus and rail transit services provided by local systems and WMATA Fixed Route: Accessible bus and rail transit services provided by local systems and WMATA Paratransit: Curb-to-curb service with vans or taxi cabs provided by WMATA (MetroAccess) and other local providers (Star, DOT, City Wheels) Paratransit: Curb-to-curb service with vans or taxi cabs provided by WMATA (MetroAccess) and other local providers (Star, DOT, City Wheels)
6 AFA Recent Activities and Recommendations
7 AFA Activities In-depth discussions about these issues over the last six months In-depth discussions about these issues over the last six months Reviewed WMATA study that looked at how to encourage more people with disabilities to use bus and rail transit Reviewed WMATA study that looked at how to encourage more people with disabilities to use bus and rail transit Developed comments and recommendations Developed comments and recommendations Invited to participate in WMATA’s newly created Regional Paratransit Task Force Invited to participate in WMATA’s newly created Regional Paratransit Task Force
8 “Metro is Accessible” Initiative AFA Comments The WMATA study recommended an outreach and marketing initiative (“Metro is Accessible”) The WMATA study recommended an outreach and marketing initiative (“Metro is Accessible”) The AFA commends WMATA’s efforts to outreach and train people with disabilities to use the fixed route system The AFA commends WMATA’s efforts to outreach and train people with disabilities to use the fixed route system
9 “Metro is Accessible” Initiative AFA Recommendations Coordinate with county and city transit systems Coordinate with county and city transit systems Improve the reliability of Metrorail and all bus systems for people with disabilities Improve the reliability of Metrorail and all bus systems for people with disabilities Conduct a study on the curb-to-curb service -- MetroAccess Conduct a study on the curb-to-curb service -- MetroAccess
10 MetroAccess Study Focus on how to maximize ridership with current budget: Are there more cost- effective ways to better serve more people with disabilities? Focus on how to maximize ridership with current budget: Are there more cost- effective ways to better serve more people with disabilities? Conduct in same time frame and budget as the “Metro is Accessible” study Conduct in same time frame and budget as the “Metro is Accessible” study
11 Conclusion Improve dependability of the bus and rail systems to attract and retain the targeted riders Improve dependability of the bus and rail systems to attract and retain the targeted riders Coordinate efforts with regional and local transit providers Coordinate efforts with regional and local transit providers Conduct a comprehensive study of the curb- to-curb service for the best and most cost- effective ways to serve the greatest number of people Conduct a comprehensive study of the curb- to-curb service for the best and most cost- effective ways to serve the greatest number of people