Museum Entrance Currency Customs Clothing Welcome to the Museum of Italy Curator’s Offices Shelter
Curator’s Office I am junior at Emporia State University. I am study to be an elementary education. This is a project for my instructional tech class. I decided to Italy because I think it would be fun to visit. Sarah Leeper Note: Virtual museums were first introduced by educators at Keith Valley Middle School in Horsham, Pennsylvania. This template was designed by Dr. Christy Keeler. View the Educational Virtual Museums website for more information on this instructional technique.Keith Valley Middle SchoolDr. Christy KeelerEducational Virtual Museums Return to Entry
Room 1 Return to EntryCurrency
Room 2 Return to EntryShelter
Room 3 Return to EntryClothing
Room 4 Return to EntryCustoms
Italy’s currency is called the Euro. The current exchange rate is approximately €0.77 = $1. Return to Exhibit Currency
25/57225, ,1/stock-photo-traditional-homes- in-amalfi-costiera-amalfitana-italy jpg Villas Farmhouses Apartments Village house Return to Exhibit Shelter
clothing-worn-in-italy-naples- italy.html?sid= &fid=upload_ tpfil02aw This picture show what traditional Italians would where. No short for men in the evening. No tank tops or any other shoulder less tops to church. Return to Exhibit Clothing
/entry/Leaning_Tower_of_Pisa You should say good day and shake hands. Friends and family usually kiss when they meet. When you are invited to dinner, you should bring a gift with you. Return to Exhibit Customs
world-countries-flags/italy-flag.gif This is the Italian flag. The flag of Italy was officially adopted on January 21, The tricolor of Italy is believed to have been based on the French flag. Return to Exhibit The Italian Flag