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Agenda Introduction to WCBR Project Introduction to Digital Storytelling Screening of 4 Videos Q & A with Video Participants Panel Group Discussion: Innovative Ideas for Knowledge Mobilization in Community Research
The WCBR Project Involving Ontario HIV-positive Women And Their Service Providers In Determining Their Research Needs And Priorities
The WCBR Project Mixed method study funded by the Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) between 2007 – 2010 Implementation team: 2 Principle investigators 5 Co-investigators 25 CAB members 12 women living with HIV as Peer Research Assistants Think Tank of experts in between the two phases to determine direction for phase II
WCBR - Phase 1 15 focus groups were conducted with women living with HIV (n=104) across Ontario, Canada including: Aboriginal, African/Caribbean, South Asian, Latina, sex worker, injection drug user, lesbian/bisexual/queer, and transgender women 5 cities: Toronto, Ottawa, Hamilton, Sudbury, Thunder Bay Peer Research Assistants (PRAs) from targeted populations were trained as a component of study development and implementation 4 focus groups were also done with service provides and researchers (n=45) in Ottawa, Hamilton and Toronto
WCBR - Phase 2 A quantitative survey was developed to further investigate themes and priorities of women living with HIV A total of 166 women ranging from 18 – 69 years of age Three regions: Ottawa, Toronto, Southwestern Ontario 1. What is the influence of HIV-related stigma, gender-based discrimination and racial discrimination on quality of life, depression and access to care among Black, African, Caribbean and Canadian women? 2. What is the influence of social support and resilient coping on quality of life, depression and access to care among Black, African, Caribbean and Canadian women?
KTE Activities Range of KTE Activities targeted to multiple audiences: 1. Scientific community: 18 conference presentations 6 papers published in peer reviewed journal 1 paper in review 2 in preparation 2. Service providers and communities of women living with HIV Community report Forums – 7 done across Ontario 3. Multiple audiences 7 Digital Story Telling videos
Digital Storytelling What is it? Why did we choose it? How does it work?
What is Digital Storytelling? Digital storytelling combines the traditional art of storytelling with multimedia features such as: photography, animation, text, audio, voiceover, and video “New Folklore of the Digital Age”
Why Digital Stories? Initial: ~25 min full video Final: 7 digital storytelling videos (~3 mins each) Individual vs. collective experiences in research Reflexive Process Using own voice – individual ownership of video Social Media Strategy
How does it work? 1. Story Circle 2. Discussion/Feedback 3. Script Writing (3 min) 4. Storyboard/Plan 5. Voiceover 6. Gather photos/videos/art 7. Final Cut Express 8. Finish & Screen