Mobile device management
Mobile device management 1 This applies to both company-owned and employee-owned (Bring Your Own Device|BYOD) devices across the enterprise or mobile devices owned by consumers.[ sDefinition/0,290660,sid40_gci , ml What is mobile device management? - a definition from][ ew/20754/152/ A comprehensive article on mobile device management ]
Mobile device management - Device Management specifications 1 Over-the-air programming (OTA) capabilities are considered a main component of mobile network operator and enterprise-grade Mobile Device Management software
Mobile device management - Device Management specifications 1 Mobile Device Management software enables corporate IT departments to manage the many mobile devices used across the enterprise; consequently, over-the-air capabilities are in high demand. Enterprises using OTA SMS as part of their MDM infrastructure demand high quality in the sending of OTA messages, which imposes on SMS gateway providers a requirement to offer a high level of quality and reliability.
Odyssey Software (Mobile Device Management) 1 'Odyssey Software' provides mobile device management and software development tools to enterprise companies either directly (primarily through its Athena product) or through partner solutions. Its technology allows companies to manage multiple mobile Operating Systems at a detailed level, including functions such as inventory collection, software management, remote control, and device configuration.
Odyssey Software (Mobile Device Management) - History 1 However, it now focuses on developing software products that enable developers to architect, build, deploy, and manage enterprise applications for managing mobile and embedded devices as well as mobile device management solutions it can deliver to enterprises directly
Odyssey Software (Mobile Device Management) - Products 1 * Athena : device management software that extends Microsoft System Center solutions, adding the ability to manage, support, and control mobile and embedded devices, such as smartphones and ruggedized handhelds.[ and-wireless2/odyssey-software-s-athena- continues-to-improve-mobile-device- management.aspx Odyssey Software's Athena Continues to Improve Mobile Device Management]
Odyssey Software (Mobile Device Management) - Technology 1 * Mobile Device Management capabilities such as remote provisioning, inventory collection (including location based data), software management, remote wipe, device lock, remote control, device configuration, and Exchange ActiveSync|Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync management.[ S/Athena/AthenaConfigurationManager.aspx Remote control software for Mobile Device Management | Odyssey Software : Configuration Manager Athena]
Odyssey Software (Mobile Device Management) - Technology 1 * The ability to easily integrate with and help power most device management solutions (including BlackBerry Enterprise Server es/dirmod.asp?sid=nm=type=MultiPublishing mod=PublishingTitlesmid=B4771C6F22F34E 4CA3FFFDA61E0EA2C5SiteID=A21CA E568C7FEBCDBB5AA3D0tier=4id=99E C7106E76D4FDE940C3C58EE7F06A0), such as those of its partners (Odyssey Software (Mobile Device Management)#Partners|see below).
Odyssey Software (Mobile Device Management) - Partners 1 Motorola, Microsoft, HTC Corporation|HTC MobilityNow, McAfee|Trust Digital, AirWatch, Conceivium, CloudSync, Optical Phusion, Stay-Linked, JANAM, others.[ RS.aspx Remote control software for Mobile Device Management | Odyssey Software : Partners]
2X Software - 2X Mobile Device Management 1 2X MDM is a mobile device management platform that enables businesses to address challenges associated with mobility such as data security, BYOD- related issues, application control and policy distribution.
For More Information, Visit: m/the-mobile-device- management-toolkit.html m/the-mobile-device- management-toolkit.html The Art of Service