ZEUS ZEUS Roman name Jupiter Zeus was the supreme god of the Olympians.
Hera Hera Roman name JunoHera was the goddess of marriage. She was the wife of Zeus and Queen of the Olympians.
ATHENA ATHENA Roman name Minerva Athena was the goddess of war and wisdom. She was the patron goddess of Athens. Her symbol was the owl.
APHRODITE APHRODITE Roman name VenusAphrodite was the goddess of love, beauty and fertility. She was also a protectress of sailors.
ARES ARES Roman name Mars Ares was the god of war, or more precisely of warlike frenzy.
HEPHAESTUS HEPHAESTUS Roman name VulcanHephaestus was the lame god of fire and crafts or the two together, hence of blacksmiths.
ARTEMIS ARTEMIS Roman name DianaArtemis was the goddess of the hunt. She helped women in childbirth, but also brought sudden death with her arrows.
APOLLO APOLLO Roman name ApolloApollo was the god of prophesy, music and healing.
DIONYSUS DIONYSUS Roman name BacchusDionysus was the god of wine.
HERMES HERMES Roman name MercuryHermes was the messenger of the gods and guide of dead souls to the Underworld.
POSEIDON POSEIDON Roman name Neptune Poseidon was the god of the sea, earthquakes and horses.
HADES HADES Roman name PlutoHades was the God of the dead and ruler of the Underworld.