Shakespeare’s Comic Heroines: A new type of woman: Witty and Wise
Queen Elizabeth: Shakespeare’s inspiration?
The Virgin Queen on the Topic of Marriage: “I would rather be a beggar and single than a queen and married” “I should call the wedding-ring the yoke-ring.” I shall never have a husband who will sit all day by the fire. When I marry it will be with a man who can ride, hunt, and fight.
Favorite Occupation of Shakespeare’s Comic Heroines therefore...
Shrewish Proud Disdainful Cursed with a fury scornful And... The men often say the comic heroine is:
“WISE”: the double meanings #1
“WISE”: the double meanings #2 Wise Guy
“WISE”: the double meanings #2 (continued) WISEACRE
“WISE”: the double meanings #2 (continued again) AND …. Wise ___________
“WISE”: the double meanings (summary in pictures) Athena, Goddess of Wisdom Tina Fey, Goddess of Gotcha
“WISE”: the double meanings (summary in words) The Shakespearean comic heroine is “wise” in both senses of the word, and so, WISE and WITTY
Beatrice, Much Ado She’s Witty and Wise