Ancient Greece
Contents Cities in ancient Greece Olympic Games Gods Athens Sparta
Athens Back to contents BY JOSIE
Sparta Back to contents
Cities in Ancient Greece Each city in ancient Greece was split up and all of them had different laws. As they grew they needed more land for farms and buildings. The Greek civilisation happened in many different cities at about the same time. Athens was the biggest and one of the most strongest of the eight largest cities in Greece. Sparta was the only city to have no defence walls for years and used the mountains and their army to keep enemies away. It was also famous for its army. The name Marathon is named after a herb. Back to contents
Olympic games The ancient Olympic games were held In honour of Zeus, the king of the gods. It began more than 2,700 years ago. They were done every 4 years, just like today. People from all around came to take part. They started in Greece, the first game was held in 776 BC. The Olympic games were held in a village called Olympia, in ancient times. It lasted for 1,000 years. The winner won the crown, made from leaves. Back to contents
Gods The Greeks had lots of gods and each god had a different purpose like: Ares the God of war Athena the goddess of wisdom Apollo the god of music and light Zeus the god of the gods BY JOSIE Back to contents