New Searching Capabilities from the State Library of Kansas Searching the Kansas Library Catalog PLUS magazine, newspaper, and book databases
Something new – “Federated Searching” “Federated Searching” = searching more than one database (often from different vendors/publishers) simultaneously. “Federated Searching” = searching more than one database (often from different vendors/publishers) simultaneously. The State Library of Kansas has partnered with their online catalog vendor, AGent, to make searching all the provided databases at once
Log on to: Log on to: Select the Advanced Search link. Select the Advanced Search link.
Advanced Search Screen The following slide illustrates the basic Advanced Search Screen. The following slide illustrates the basic Advanced Search Screen. The search boxes are at the top of the screen – note the pull-down menus for you to indicate which fields you wish to search The search boxes are at the top of the screen – note the pull-down menus for you to indicate which fields you wish to search
Notice the grouped items highlighted at the bottom. These are the categories of databases available. Notice the grouped items highlighted at the bottom. These are the categories of databases available. Clicking on the title of a grouping will expand the grouping and show you which databases are available. Clicking on the title of a grouping will expand the grouping and show you which databases are available. You may then check the boxes of the databases you wish to be included in the search, or check the grouping to search them all! You may then check the boxes of the databases you wish to be included in the search, or check the grouping to search them all!
To illustrate a search, I’m going to select several databases from two different categories: General Information and Best for Kids
I then enter my search criteria and click “search”
Results come back sorted by the resources chosen On the left of the screen the number of matches is listed by resource. On the left of the screen the number of matches is listed by resource. The main body of the screen on the right (next slide) lists the citations by resource The main body of the screen on the right (next slide) lists the citations by resource
You can choose to view the citations by database OR you can re-sort them – following is an example sorted by DATE You can choose to view the citations by database OR you can re-sort them – following is an example sorted by DATE Note also in the following slide: each citation shows within which database/s the article is located. Note also in the following slide: each citation shows within which database/s the article is located.
Related Topics Each result group also displays “related topics” that can be more specific to your needs – just click to “redirect” your search. Each result group also displays “related topics” that can be more specific to your needs – just click to “redirect” your search.
Explore Our Resources If you’d like to see the list of resources with brief explanations, the entry screen gives you that opportunity. If you’d like to see the list of resources with brief explanations, the entry screen gives you that opportunity.
This is a great resource and it is FREE (from school, home, anywhere)!! Give it a try, and when your students are doing research, encourage them to use it as well – they can do multiple database searching, locate quality information, and save time doing it! This is a great resource and it is FREE (from school, home, anywhere)!! Give it a try, and when your students are doing research, encourage them to use it as well – they can do multiple database searching, locate quality information, and save time doing it! And don’t forget, WHSL also has many great online resources available IN ADDITION to those offered by the State Library of Kansas. And don’t forget, WHSL also has many great online resources available IN ADDITION to those offered by the State Library of Kansas.