BACKGROUND 2007 Structural Reform report identified need for a “new cost-effective, flexible and efficient exchange system” Other pieces of work emanating from report identified the need for exchanges system to be reviewed as a prerequisite SLPASC requested WALGA to engage a consultant to undertake a review of the Library Exchange system
T HE REVIEW PROCESS Empired engaged to undertake consultancy Open Space Forum on 2 February 2012 Interviews undertaken with stakeholders Final Report “Library Exchange Review” Tabled at SLPASC on 6 September
T HE REVIEW PROCESS (C ONT ’ D ) Project Completion Report by Working Group Small group appointed to review report recommendations Reported to SLPASC on 18 October 2012 Final Report released to public libraries on 18 October Agreed to present at Forum on 31 October 2012
T HE REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS Recommendation 1 based on Scenario A2 for implementation over 2 years Transfer of stock to Local Government – significant challenge? Alternate – local disposal of stock greater than 5 years old? Options – disposal (within guidelines); into the Exchange System; kept within Public Library
T HE REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS ( CONT ’ D ) Tracking of State-owned assets needed Extensive initial weeding of stock required Opt In = Stock In and Stock Out Opt Out = Stock In (quality guidelines)
T HE REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS ( CONT ’ D ) Hub vs centralised system – scale is important Too small = ineffective Outsourcing of centralised system – technically or commercially viable? Question why system needs to be managed by qualified librarians? What are the benefits?
T HE REVIEW RECOMMENDATIONS ( CONT ’ D ) Public libraries permitted to dispose of stock purchased with State funds Effective governance – guidelines for stock disposal, quality of stock to be added, Opt In- Opt Out arrangements Overall outcome of review = system with higher quality but smaller quantity of stock
A RE THERE ALTERNATIVES ? Add component of automation (i.e. free, online shopping concept) – better with shared LMS but could be explored further Undertake cost benefit analysis of scrapping Exchange system and use savings to purchase new materials? State-wide floating collection? Stays at the library where it is returned
W HERE TO FROM HERE ? Ideas, thoughts, comments, feedback from today Comments to Jodie Holbrook at WALGA by Wednesday 14 November 2012 Consideration of review recommendations and alternatives by SLPASC on 22 November 2012