Spirituality in America Myths of Origin and Creation
Essential Question From our reading and research into creation myths and evolution theory, what can we conclude about spirituality in American society that will enable us or others to appreciate the importance of religious freedom?
What is a creation/origin myth? A traditional story, passed down through generations, that explains how the universe, earth, and life began. Stories of cause and effect Highlight both harmony and conflict with nature—Why?
Creation Stories: Part of the Oral Tradition Stories of creation date back much further than written language, ergo early creation stories were told rather than read. Often these stories are called myths today, but they were as important to the people who told them as Genesis 1:1-23 is to modern day Christians. Why do you think almost every culture has a creation story?
A rose by any other name… Creation stories are widely different across cultures, but they do share some similarities. Usually supernatural forces at work Usually include a talking animal or spirit-being Usually rich in symbolism Can tell us basic information about the values of the cultures they come from.
Evolution and Intelligent Design In 1859, Charles Darwin published Origin of the Species, which discussed his theory of creation and evolution through the process of natural selection. It has been a source of heated debate ever since, even in recent years.
Evolution and Intelligent Design Intelligent design comes from the push in recent years to integrate the Christian creation story with Darwin’s theory. In this theory, a supreme being aids in creation…sort of sets the evolutionary path for us. Then, natural selection takes over.
In this unit, you will discuss the answers to these questions: 1.What human need is being met through the telling or reading of creation myths? 2.What common elements do the various creation myths share? 3.What role does symbolism play in creation myths? 4.In what ways do creation myths relate to the cultures they represent? HINT: Think about symbols, characters, values, and basic survival needs.
5. What is the theory of evolution, and how does it differ from creation myths or the ideas of Intelligent Design? 6. Should Intelligent Design be taught in public schools? What about the theory of evolution?