Pre-History up to the Reformation
Educational Goal In order to prepare the student for more in depth topics, we are going to explore the beginnings of historical study to the beginning of modern history topics will include: Pre-History, Hammurabi’s Codes, Moses & The Israelites, The Greeks, The Romans, Early Christianity and Islam, The Middle Ages, The Reformation, and the Renaissance. This material will go through quickly, however, it is vital to internalize these general ideas for the rest of the school year.
1) 4 Elements of History At the beginning of each chapter, we will list 4 essential elements to each unit, they will be...
A) The Stage The place (i.e. country, place, location) where it took place.
B) The Players Key people or groups involved in the event.
C) The Symbol What represents the ideology of a group of people or a king. Items such as flag, staff, animal, etc.
D) The Story Simply stated, what happened in history.
2) Ways of telling dates A.D.- (Latin for Anno Domini) literally in the year of our Lord. B.C.- Before Christ C.E.- Common Era B.C.E.- Before Common Era
Pre-History 3) Pre-History All History before a written language. Roughly All history up to 3,500 to 3,000 BCE.
4) Archeology Form of Pre-History Study that deals with artifacts left over from ancient civilizations.
5) Anthropology Form of historical study that deals with fossils and bones.
6) Paleolithic Age Translates from the Greek as “Old Stone Age”. Time Period from 2,500,000 to 10,000 B.C. Primarily groups of hunters and gatherers who were nomadic and eventually learned how to use fire and basic tools. ] \
7) Nomads Groups of people that move from place to place searching for food and shelter.
8) Neolithic Age Time period from 10,ooo to 4,000 B.C.E. Translated from the Greek Term “New Stone Age”. The became agriculturally stable and began domesticating animals and lived in more organized communities.
9) Agriculture The ability to raise and grow crops for either consumption or trade.
First Civilizations 10) Circa 3ooo B.C.E. During this time period around the river valleys in Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, and China, more complex societies began to arise. Groups of people developed communities and started diversifying their life styles.
11) Mesopotamia & Egypt The first known civilizations were discovered in Mespotamia & Egypt.
Re-Cap The major split between the early tribes and early civilizations was a WRITTEN LANGUAGE. A written language is important way to communicate news, laws, and religious beliefs.
12) Mesopotamia Around 3000 B.C.E., a group of unknown origin named the Sumerians established themselves in a series of city states.
Map Exercise Page 11 in Textbook