Harassment / Discrimination Certified Policy # Classified Policy # Student Policy #
Harassment/Discrimination Is unlawful behavior based on race, color, national origin, age, religion, sex, genetic information or disability. It involves intimidation by threats of physical violence, creation of a climate of hostility or intimidation, use of language, conduct, or symbols that are commonly understood to convey hatred or prejudice. Employees who believe they have been harassed or discriminated against or have witnessed harassment or discrimination against others shall, as soon as reasonably practical, report it to the principal or the superintendent. Sexual discrimination/harassment complaints may also be reported to the District Title IX Coordinator—Jon Lawson. The Superintendent shall initiate within 5 working days an investigation of the allegations, a written report of the findings within 30 days and process to prevent reoccurrence within 10 days of the report. Employees who engage in harassment/discrimination of an employee or student shall be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited, to termination of employment.
Examples of Harassment/Discrimination Nicknames, slurs, jokes, lewd, vulgar or profane language or material Unwanted touching, sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, spreading sexual rumors Belief that one must submit to sexual advances to keep their job Implied or overt threats of violence Destroying or damaging property
Video Clips Reporting and Preventing Sexual Harassment—6:05 Male Student to Teacher Example—3:42 Mentor to Teacher Example—1:52