COMPARATIVE LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW Chernyaeva D.V. Labor Law Department Высшая школа экономики, Москва,
Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2013 Comparative labor and employment law фото Whom does this course address and what for? …..FOR YOU TO BECOME AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED PROFESSIONAL for any future lawyer: to learn regular naming, wording, terms and interpretations of relevant legal phenomena in their original or most widely used language to lean major approaches to labor regulation implemented abroad in the context of the already-learnt Russian approaches to understand core principles, conceptions, requirements and limits of labor and employment regulation worldwide to master capability to promptly familiarize herself/himself with the labor and employment regulation specific of any country for a future corporate lawyer: to familiarize herself/himself with the regulative instruments and methods used abroad to learn legal foundations of human resource management that require mandatory compliance in foreign countries and on a transnational level for future public (governmental) servant: to learn the world history and la general logic of labor and employment legislation development, as well as to study legal regulative instruments and bodies (authorities) in the field of of labor and workplace relations abroad to understand the specifics of political, social and economical context determining an effectiveness of particular regulative approaches for a future lawyer/barrister: to familiarize herself/himself with the foreign case law and basic principles of labor. employment and related disputes conciliation, arbitration and adjudication abroad to learn material and procedural specifics of labor, employment and related disputes resolution abroad
Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2013 Comparative labor and employment law фото What we’re supposed to study? the origin and brief history of development of contemporary conceptions and ideas in the field of labor and employment regulation major foreign principles and approaches to legal regulation of labor and employment general contents and particular functions of core labor and employment law institutions in foreign countries criteria of making effective legally-binding decisions in the field of human resource management specifics and issues in contemporary labor and employment regulation topical themes and areas of development of labor and employment law theory and legal regulation worldwide major trends in foreign labor and employment law development - How we’re supposed to study this? in comparison with international and already-learned Russian principles, standards and approaches through analyzing classical texts written by the most prominent scholars in the field, as well through reading the most topical papers written be the recognized contemporary scholars and professionals taking into account relevant Russian, transnational and foreign case law enjoying options of obtaining a consultation of the most prominent Russian and foreign scholars in comparative (labor and employment) law with an emphasis on the relevant legislation of particular foreign countries chosen for research freely by each student In the original or most widely used language (English)
Высшая школа экономики, Москва, 2013 Сравнительное трудовое право фото Additional options for those attending lectures/ classes: (depending on student’s achievements and the law faculty organizational and technical capabilities) participation Research project on comparative labor and employment law (contribution/publication in the monthly News Digest and in the b-annual Journal on comparative labor and employment law: attendance of relevant international and local events held by the Labor Law Department (conferences, workshops, round tables, etc.) participation in the annual conference of young researchers (accepted papers are published in the Conference proceedings (paper form) drafting a paper for a scholarly Russian journal establishment and further widening of international cooperation between the prominent labor law scholars and young researchers all over the world drafting a paper in English for a foreign journal/edition (for those with exceptional achievements) preparation of paper and a presentation for an international conference (for those with exceptional achievements) obtaining the necessary knowledge, experience and information for a masters or PhD program enrolment etc, etc, etc…
101000, Россия, Москва, Мясницкая ул., д. 20 Тел.: (495) , факс: (495)