By Dr. A. Mahrous Helwan University - EGYPT By Dr. A. Mahrous Helwan University - EGYPT
Our Collaborators AGASA (Japan) Chacaltaya (Bolivia)
KINDORIGENCOMP.ENERGY Solar CR Solar Flares Protons & Heavy ions 100 MeV ~ 10 GeV ExtragalacticAGN Z-Burst & Protons & Photons ~ eV Galactic Pulsars & Supernova Reminant Protons Heavy ions 10 9 ~10 15 eV ~10 18 eV LHC at CERN (7 TeV) Protons
3R s D S-E The simulation shows that UHE photons with energies between and eV start cascading in the Sun's magnetic field within three times radius of the Sun. If we are trying to detect such cascading particles on the Earth with air shower arrays, these showers originated by a bunch of secondary particles developed in the Sun’s magnetic field should be detected within a solid angle: = 3R s 2 / 4D 2 S-E, Rs: Sun’s radius 6.12 sr from the Sun's position. This means that the energy of the primary particles could reach eV FOR MORE INFO... What is the Maximum Energy Mahrous, A. & Inoue, N., Development of electromagnetic cascading in the Sun's magnetic field Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.386, p (2002)
Low Energy CR : High Energy CR : -SCR are dominant for energies < 1 GeV - GCR are changing with Solar Activity -SCR are dominant for energies < 1 GeV - GCR are changing with Solar Activity -The spectrum is almost a power low with index –3 -Slight steeping at 3x10 15 eV (knee) -Slight flattening at 3x10 18 eV (ankle) - Above eV, the flux is uncertain. The possible scenarios predicting Z-burst photons are dominant. -The spectrum is almost a power low with index –3 -Slight steeping at 3x10 15 eV (knee) -Slight flattening at 3x10 18 eV (ankle) - Above eV, the flux is uncertain. The possible scenarios predicting Z-burst photons are dominant. Gamma Protons GZK
N CR + N air 0 + + K 0 2 = 8.4 x s + = 2.6 x s + N air e + + e - “ Pair Creation” e + N air e + “Bremsstrahlung” Takeda,M., Sakaki,N, Mahrous,A., AGAS group “Energy determination in the Akeno Giant Air Shower Array experiment, Astroparticle Physics, Volume 19, Issue 4, p (2003). FOR MORE INFO...
-Pressure »» atmospheric density »» absorption of CR FOR MORE INFO... Mahrous,A. Inoue,N.,” Variation Of Forbush-Decrease Amplitude With Some Shock Parameters”, 35th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held July 2004, in Paris, France., p.1910.
P cut ( , ) : Geomagnetic cutoff rigidity in GeV Angle between incoming particle velocity and geomagnetic east-west direction Geomagnetic latitude Chacaltaya 12 GeV
Depression in the counting rate of cosmic rays. FD >> 30% & recov. Several days A : Amplitude of Forbush decrease Mechanism : The energetic solar phenomena >> disturbance in interplanetary magnetic field >> reduction in low energy CR intensity which detected on the Earth.
Purpose: Detection of Cosmic Rays with primary energy greater than eV Location: Latitude= 16 o 21 ´ South, Longitude= 68 o 08 ´, Altitude= 5300 m Area: The experiment covering a circular area of 50 m radius Working theory: The detection of CR depends on Air Shower phenomena Purpose: Detection of Cosmic Rays with primary energy greater than eV Location: Latitude= 16 o 21 ´ South, Longitude= 68 o 08 ´, Altitude= 5300 m Area: The experiment covering a circular area of 50 m radius Working theory: The detection of CR depends on Air Shower phenomena
Distribution of different types of detectors at Mt.Chacaltaya experiment Construction of the density detector 40 scintillation detectors of area (0.25m 2 ) & 4 detectors of area (1.0m 2 ) used for detecting the electromagnetic and muonic components, with counting rate every 10 seconds.
Distribution of burst detectors The burst detector is a scintillation detector covered with 15 cm of lead. We have 32 detectors with area (0.25m 2 ), which used for detecting the hadronic components and Muons A photo and scheme diagram of neutron monitor at Mt. Chacaltaya The Type: 12NM64 Neutron Monitor It is used for detecting the neutron component with counting rate 1 minute
Monitor system of Chacaltaya experiment This is the effect of CR on electronic devices !
Event of July 14, 2000
What is going on the Sun ? What we detect on the Earth ?
The sequence of the plots is the deviation from the average of DD, NM and counting rate of BD. FIRST DECREASE >> July 13 (9:20 UT) Deviations of –2% & –5% for DD&NM Continued for 6h for DD & 13h for NM. SECOND DECREASE >> July 15 at (13:30 UT) Deviation of –6% & – 10% for DD and NM Continued for 18h for DD and 17h for NM. STABILITY in the counting rate of NM during that second decrease for about 4h, which is called two-step FD. STABILITY in the counting rate of NM during that second decrease for about 4h, which is called two-step FD. It is indicated with a small red circle and enlarged in the outer circle in the same figure. The counting rate of all the detectors returned to the normal state in July 19. The sequence of the plots is the deviation from the average of DD, NM and counting rate of BD. FIRST DECREASE >> July 13 (9:20 UT) Deviations of –2% & –5% for DD&NM Continued for 6h for DD & 13h for NM. SECOND DECREASE >> July 15 at (13:30 UT) Deviation of –6% & – 10% for DD and NM Continued for 18h for DD and 17h for NM. STABILITY in the counting rate of NM during that second decrease for about 4h, which is called two-step FD. STABILITY in the counting rate of NM during that second decrease for about 4h, which is called two-step FD. It is indicated with a small red circle and enlarged in the outer circle in the same figure. The counting rate of all the detectors returned to the normal state in July 19.
CME observed by C2 coronagraph of SOHO/LASCO in July 14, 2000 at 10:54 UT CME observed by C2 coronagraph of SOHO/LASCO in July 14, 2000 at 10:54 UT The figure shows the CME observed by SOHO/LASCO coronagraph during that flare. The produced and largest flare occurred on the Sun in 2000 July 14, at (10:54 UT) was associated with a full-halo CME. The expansion speed of the loop-like structure (indicated with arrows) was about 2000 km/s, this means that the arrival time of such CME to the Earth will be about 1.5 days, which will be verified from WIND satellite results in the next slide. The figure shows the CME observed by SOHO/LASCO coronagraph during that flare. The produced and largest flare occurred on the Sun in 2000 July 14, at (10:54 UT) was associated with a full-halo CME. The expansion speed of the loop-like structure (indicated with arrows) was about 2000 km/s, this means that the arrival time of such CME to the Earth will be about 1.5 days, which will be verified from WIND satellite results in the next slide km/s
The sequence of the plots is : (A) Proton flux in 7 channels covering the range “0.6~500 MeV”, (B) Plot of X-ray flux in (Watts/m 2 in two wavelength bands, Xl=0.5 4 A and Xs=1 8 A . (C) The four magnetic field components: “Hp”parallel to the satellite spin axis, “He”parallel to the satellite-Earth center line and points earthward. “Hn”perpendicular to both Hp and He “Ht” is the transverse component. -Solar proton events occurred in July 14 at (10:40 UT), reached a peak at (16:10 UT), and ended in July 16 at (04:00 UT). -Occurrence of X-class X-ray flare in July 14, 2000 observed in both of the two-wavelength bands at (11:00 UT). -A large disturbance occurred in the magnetic field components, which varied from positive 200 to negative 200 nT in July 15 at (19:00 UT). The sequence of the plots is : (A) Proton flux in 7 channels covering the range “0.6~500 MeV”, (B) Plot of X-ray flux in (Watts/m 2 in two wavelength bands, Xl=0.5 4 A and Xs=1 8 A . (C) The four magnetic field components: “Hp”parallel to the satellite spin axis, “He”parallel to the satellite-Earth center line and points earthward. “Hn”perpendicular to both Hp and He “Ht” is the transverse component. -Solar proton events occurred in July 14 at (10:40 UT), reached a peak at (16:10 UT), and ended in July 16 at (04:00 UT). -Occurrence of X-class X-ray flare in July 14, 2000 observed in both of the two-wavelength bands at (11:00 UT). -A large disturbance occurred in the magnetic field components, which varied from positive 200 to negative 200 nT in July 15 at (19:00 UT).
THE DETECTED SHOCKS : -S1 >> Date : July 13 at (09:13 UT) V: 600 km/s P: 10 P cc- 1 - S2 >> Date : July 13 at (10:12 UT) V: 650 km/s P: 15 P cc- 1 - S3 >>Date: July 14 at (15:32 UT) NO DATA (detector saturation) - S4 >> Date : July 15 at (14:15 UT) V: 950 km/s P: 50 P cc- 1 THE DETECTED SHOCKS : -S1 >> Date : July 13 at (09:13 UT) V: 600 km/s P: 10 P cc- 1 - S2 >> Date : July 13 at (10:12 UT) V: 650 km/s P: 15 P cc- 1 - S3 >>Date: July 14 at (15:32 UT) NO DATA (detector saturation) - S4 >> Date : July 15 at (14:15 UT) V: 950 km/s P: 50 P cc- 1
FIRST DECREASE >> July 13 (9:20 UT) SECOND DECREASE >> July 15 at (13:30 UT) STABILITY in the counting rate of NM during that second decrease for about 4h, FIRST DECREASE >> July 13 (9:20 UT) SECOND DECREASE >> July 15 at (13:30 UT) STABILITY in the counting rate of NM during that second decrease for about 4h, FIRST DECREASE >> S1&S2 SECOND DECREASE >> S4 STABILITY >> E1 FIRST DECREASE >> S1&S2 SECOND DECREASE >> S4 STABILITY >> E1
why we have one-step FD in July 13 and two-step FD in July 15 detected by NM ? Assuming the produced shock and its driver ejecta are moving towards the Earth. In case of the one-step FD observed in 2000 July 13, the position of the Earth was at the point “A”, at which, only the shock is passing through the Earth. In that case, the passing cosmic rays will suffer only one- step attenuation due to shock. On the other hand, as the case of the two-step FD detected in 2000 July 15, the position of the Earth could be at the point “B”, at which, both the shock and its driver ejecta is passing through the Earth. As the result, cosmic ray intensity will be reduced by two different levels of attenuation, one from the shock, and the other from the ejecta. Moreover, the time difference between such two levels of attenuation actually represents the thickness of the ejecta itself. July 13 July 15