Hard Work Communication Getting Help Early Monitoring Progress
In-Class Collaborative Activities Mastery Practice (“homework”) Assessments (“formative” and “summative”) Performance Tasks (“Common Core”) Special Projects (technology infusion)
“Flips” the tasks traditionally completed at home with those completed in class. Students access a brief video presentation of key content at home. Allows time for mastery practice, deeper problem solving application, and critical thinking extensions in a collaborative and supportive classroom setting.
National Standards for Content and Practices in Mathematics (and ELA) (see the link on my page on the Dartmouth website) Full implementation by They are impacting the way we teach and… The way students are assessed.
“California High School Exit Exam” They must pass both sections (math and ELA) to graduate from high school. They will take it for the first time during the second semester of their sophomore year. At present, approximately 70% of the math portion of the CAHSEE covers 6 th through 8 th grade standards.. Skills Review assignments and regular Formula Quizzes are designed to prepare them for the CAHSEE (Algebra 8 only).
Coming to class prepared! A required materials list was provided in the course syllabus. You can download it from my page on the Dartmouth website.
Step 1: Bring the late assignment to the homework center after school. Step 2: Use the answer key to identify incorrect solutions. Step 3: Use a red pen to make corrections (just like we do in class). Step 4: Give the assignment to Mr. Hill THE NEXT DAY in class.
If you send an and don’t get a response that day, your message may have become trapped in the spam filter. It would be best at that point to leave a phone message.
You can check their planner, or… You can access the “Homework” link on my page on the Dartmouth website… (updated every morning)
I am in the homework center from 3-4 after school every Monday through Thursday. Waiting until the last day of the quarter to get help is not advisable.
Power School! Grades are updated on Power School weekly. I have linked to a You Tube Parent Portal Tutorial from my page on the Dartmouth website.
How do I get there? Start at the district website: