Subject Verb Agreement
Rule 1 A verb must agree with its subject number A singular subject takes a singular verb A plural subject takes a plural verb Example: The house (stands, stand) The crews (sails, sail) People (walks, walk)
Rule of Thumb When dealing with present tense subjects and verbs remember: A plural subject ends in –s A singular verb ends in –s
Rule 2 A phrase following the subject does not change the number of the subject Watch out for that, who, and which clauses
A heaping basket of turnip greens (was, were) sitting on the counter. The members of the Pak family (meets, meet) for a reunion every year.
Rule 3 Some things just have to be memorized Indefinite Pronouns can be singular, plural, or both Create a list for each category of Indefinite Pronouns Purple Writing Book Pg 622-23 19d, 19e, 19f Teal writing book pg 652 21d,21e, 21f
Class work Purple writing book Complete exercises 3 on page 620 and exercise 5 page 624 Or Red writing book Exercise 6 and Review C on page 715