Plan: About Banking Law Banking system of Tajikistan Types of bank in Tajikistan
What is Banking Law? Banking Law is regulated by both state and federal statutory(установленный) law. Bank accounts may be established by national and state Chartered(привилегированный) banks and savings associations. All are regulated by the law under which they were established. Its also governed by both state and federal banking law. The banking law may vary from place to place. Banking Law gives unified coverage of: the National Bank System and Comptroller of the Currency; the Federal Reserve System; branching and mergers; bank holding companies/financial holding companies; bank taxation; checks, drafts, notes and the bank collection process; consumer credit law; and international banking.
Banking law determines how a bank must operate. Most developed countries, such as France, Germany and Britain, use a single regulator. But most countries hold broad objectives in common with one another when regulating banking law. These include privacy protection, credit allocation, minimizing creditor risk and avoiding total bank failure(неудавшееся дело). Different nations have different kinds of rules regarding these matters.
Governments require banks to hold certain levels of cash deposits in order to function. These prevent the bank from borrowing heavily or from lending out more than it can handle. In theory, such protections in banking law guard(защита) consumers from having their bank go bankrupt due to poor investment.
Banking system of Tajikistan Bank in the Republic of Tajikistan is commercial organization, created for attraction of deposits and other means with the aim of applying for crediting on term of repayment, paying, urgency, and also for implementing calculations by the errand of clients. Bank transformation into opened joint-stock company is allowed under term of its continues without loss of functioning during a year from the moment of receiving licence of National Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan for implementing banking operation and maintenance during the year established by the National Bank of the Republic of Tajikistan or other obligatory norms and limits.
According to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan there can be created the following types of bank in Tajikistan: - state bank –the bank which the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan is the sole owner of statutory fund: - in-state bank – the bank, which statutory fund is subject to physical or juridical person. Part of the share of this bank are subject to the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Tajikistan: - inter-state bank – the bank created in order, established by the law in force on the base of international agreement, owner of the fund which is the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan and government, state signed the agreement.
A bank in the Republic of Tajikistan is a commercial agency, created for attracting of deposits and other funds with the purpose to extend credits on conditions of recurrency, payability, maturity, as well as execution of settlements by order of the clients.
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