Expressing an opinion... From Reading to Writing As you read “The Censors,” “The Sniper,” and other selections in this unit, you might have felt strongly.


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Presentation transcript:

Expressing an opinion... From Reading to Writing As you read “The Censors,” “The Sniper,” and other selections in this unit, you might have felt strongly the unfairness of life that their writers expressed. From time to time, certain issues will move you to speak out as well. Opinion Statement

Expressing an opinion... One way to make your voice heard is to write an opinion statement. In an opinion statement you Opinion Statement express your point of view. back it up with reasons and facts.

WHY I BELIEVE IT Presents the issue and states your opinion Summary of opinion Supporting evidence Supporting evidence Supporting evidence Introduction Body Conclusion B a s i c s i n a B o x Opinion Statement at a Glance RUBRIC Standards for Writing A successful opinion statement should clearly state the issue and your opinion on it in the introduction support your opinion with convincing examples, facts, and statistics use language and details appropriate for your audience sum up your opinion in the conclusion

Writing Your Opinion Statement 1 Prewriting I share no man’s opinions; I have my own. Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev, novelist and playwright I share no man’s opinions; I have my own. Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev, novelist and playwright You might generate ideas for your opinion statement by looking through your journal to identify issues that interest or bother you.

Planning Your Opinion Statement 1. Examine the issue. Make sure you understand the issue thoroughly. Get all the facts and become familiar with opposing opinions. 2. Analyze your opinion. Why do you feel the way you do about the issue? What facts or other evidence support your opinion? 3. Gather information. What additional evidence do you need to support your opinion? Where will you look for this evidence?

Planning Your Opinion Statement 4. Identify your audience. Who will read your opinion statement? What do they know and feel about the issue? How might you address their opposing views? 5. Consider the tone of your statement. Would a humorous or a more serious tone be most effective with your audience? Which approach would you be most comfortable using?

Writing Your Opinion Statement 2 Drafting The most important aspect of drafting is putting your ideas in writing. You can organize and refine your writing later. Remember that you should State your opinion clearly. Support it with convincing evidence such as examples, facts, and statistics. Present your opinion in the introduction and summarize it in the conclusion.

Writing Your Opinion Statement 2 Drafting You can also: Organize your paper by stating each reason and giving its supporting details. Present possible opposing arguments and answer them.

Writing Your Opinion Statement 3 Revising Target Skill SUPPORTING STATEMENTS WITH FACTS AND EXAMPLES As you revise, look for ways to add facts, statistics, examples, quotations, and other details to your writing.

Writing Your Opinion Statement 4 Editing and Proofreading Target Skill SUBJECT-VERB AGREEMENT For your opinion statement to be convincing, it must not confuse your readers. Look for verbs that do not agree with their subjects and make them agree in number. Remember that a verb must agree with the main subject of the sentence, not with the noun closest to it.