Welcome to… Do you say it this way?
A sentence must have a subject and verb that go together.
Subject-verb inconsistencies occur when the subject is singular and the verb is plural, or when the subject is plural and the verb is singular. For example, in the sentence, "John eat vegetables," John, the subject, is singular. Eat, the verb, is plural. We can replace "eat" with "eats."
What do you mean? Agree? I got a hold of some bad pork chops the other day, and they didn't agree with me. Stomach aches aren't very pleasant. Don't you agree?
What do you mean? Agree? We all know these meanings of "agree," but when we talk about subject-verb agreement, we're talking about something different: matching subjects and verbs according to number.subjectsverbs
What do you mean? Agree? That is, when you have a singular subject, you have to match it with a singular verb form: The boy plays. When you have a plural subject, you must have a plural verb form: The boys play.
Can you pick the right verb for this sentence? John ______ outside. A. playing B. plays C. play
The correct answer is John plays outside.
Choose the correct verb. The bird _____ in the sky. A. flys B. flies C. flying
The correct answer is The bird flies in the sky.
Choose the correct verb. Kelly and Beth _____ good grades on their report cards. A. make B. makes C. making
The correct answer is Kelly and Beth make good grades on their report cards.
Choose the best sentence. A.She gone to the post office. B.She going to the post office. C.She went to the post office. D.She go to the post office.
Choose the best sentence. A.She gone to the post office. B.She going to the post office. C.She went to the post office. D.She go to the post office.
Choose the sentence that is written correctly. 1.We been having hamburgers for dinner. 2.We be having hamburgers for dinner. 3.We are having hamburgers for dinner.
Choose the sentence that is written correctly. 1.We been having hamburgers for dinner. 2.We be having hamburgers for dinner. 3.We are having hamburgers for dinner.
Choose the sentence that is written correctly. That Jesse, he are a great basketball player. That great basketball player were Jesse. Jesse is a great basketball player.
Choose the sentence that is written correctly. That Jesse, he are a great basketball player. That great basketball player were Jesse. Jesse is a great basketball player.