I walk, You walk, He or she walks. (singular) We walk You walk They walk. (plural)
He or she is They are. He or she was They were He or she has They have.
The number of the verb is determined by the subject of the sentence. Ignore any appositives or clauses.
A compound noun is still singular. For example peanut butter and jelly, macaroni and cheese.
Singular indefinite pronouns take a singular form of the verb. Memorize the singular indefinite pronouns.
In the construction Neither or Either of something, the indefinite pronouns are the subjects and therefore the verb will be singular.
When two subjects are separated by “or” the subject closest to the verb determines the number of the verb. E.g The girl or the boys are winning. The girls or the boy is winning.
When neither or either are in front of two subjects separated by “or” the subject closest to the verb determines the number of the verb.
Sometimes the subject comes after the verb. Determine the subject. The subject still determines the number of the verb. E.g. Where are the names?
If a prepositional phrase, or a clause, begins the sentence determine the subject. The subject of the sentence will still determine the number of the verb.