Dominate American Political Parties Democratic Party (1824) Liberal=LeftConservative=RightModerate=Middle Republican Party (1854) Independent Voter
Pie Chart: Political Party registered Members
Democratic Party Ideology =Left Mixed Economy -Government must regulate business for citizens safety -People pay progressive tax (the more money you make the more taxes you pay) -Taxes are for public education, social security, medicaid, medicare, and possibly universal healthcare
Democratic Party -Environment is more important than business and limits pollution production -Workers are entitled to livable wages and benefits -Keynesian Economics Government gives money back to lower class and they will spend it and stimulate the economy
Generally support government funding of: -Medicare -Medicaid -Social Security -Public assistance or welfare programs -Universal Healthcare
Socially Liberal - Personal privacy and protection of minority rights are more important than majority views 1.) Abortion should be legal (prochoice) 2.) Forcing prayer in schools is unconstitutional 3.) Capital Punishment should be illegal (Against the Death Penalty) 4.) It is the governments responsibility fight a war on poverty and help those in need
Strongest Supports Middle Class Working Class Lower Class Academia/College Professors Unions Majority Female African American Minorities Immigrants Progressives Socially Liberal
Urban or Cities Northeastern States Northwestern States and California Great Lakes States Geography
Republican Party or Grand Old Party (GOP) Ideology= Right Fiscally Conservative -Free-Market rules over all laissez-faire “let happen” or hands off - Little government regulations of businesses and American economy - People pay small amount of taxes and taxes are payed by a flat or trickle down tax -Taxes are for a large military and support business’s growth
Republican Party - Supply-side economics give taxes cuts to wealthy capitalist to reinvest in their production of goods and services -Economic growth and prosperity is more important than environment
Generally Opposed to government funding of: -Medicare -Medicaid -Social Security -Public assistance or welfare programs -Universal Healthcare
Social Conservatives - Morality is an important part of the government’s responsibility 1.) Abortion should be illegal (Pro-life) 2.) Prayer in schools is acceptable 3.) Capital Punishment should be legal (For the Death Penalty) 4.) Private sector will help people not the governments responsibility (e.g. churches and non- for-profit organizations like Red Cross and Salvation Army)
Strongest Supports Elite Wealthy Upper Class Big Business Corporations Majority Male Majority White Fundamentalist Christians Social Conservatives
Rural or Country Southern States Central and Mountains States Geography