A day to remember A day to rememberA day to remember ANZAC DAY
WHAT DOES ANZAC STAND FOR? A stands for Australia N stands for new Z stands for Zealand A stands for army C stands for corps
WHEN DO WE COMMEMORATE ANZAC DAY? We commemorate Anzac day on the 25 th of April each year since 1916 When it is Anzac day we get a public holiday so we get the day off school or work if it is on the weekend we get the Monday off. Each year for Anzac day there are parades like dawn parades which start at 6:00 in the morning and the 10:00 parade in the morning for the elderly soilders.
LOCATION OF GALLIPOLI Gallipoli is based on the edge of Turkey
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE POPPY The poppy's significance is that the poppy naturally grows around disturbed areas on earth. The poppy grew on the battle field in Gallipoli (turkey) were the soliders were fighting.
CASUALTY COUNTS New Zealand Went to world war 1-100,000 Dead -16,130 Wounded-40,750 Total hurt -56,880 Total -213,760
LIFE IN TRENCH Living in trenches was terrifying not just because of the feeling that an enime or enemas sneaking behind you and bang your dead because there were a whole lot of other ways to die in trenches like some diseases like trench foot or cholera which is a fear disease so basically the soilders are living in fear the trenches were also dirty and smelly.
WHO NZ WERE FIGHTING AGAINST The nz soilders were fighting with turkey they were fighting for hill 60 but didn’t make it and most of nz’s soilders died.
WHO WERE NZ FIGHTING WITH Nz was fighting with Australia we came together.we also created the word Anzac which means Australia and new Zealand army corps.
WHY WAS THE GALLIPOLI CAMPAIGN A DISASTER It was a terrain they could not land because it was hilly they were sent to land on the peninsula but they sent them to the wrong place it was to hilly so they got shoot because they were in the wrong place.