Conference Report Back ICAP 2006 Quebec City Dr Terence Milne Pr Eng RPF November 2006
From the point of view of a practitioner
Quebec City
Progression of R&D to Practice ICAP 2002 PracticeSpecialistResearch Practice Specialist Research ICAP 2006 Research and Development Technology Transfer
Examples of Technology Progression ICAP 2002 CAPSA 2004 ICAP2006
Value of Conference to full Project Cycle Research and Development Recycling Planning Design Construction Maintenance
Planning Jain : Development of Pavement Deterioration Models (HDM4) in India
l Pavement deterioration Model to help predict condition of pavement at future date l Determine or plan strategy l Adjust World Bank’s HDM-4 Model to India specific conditions l Calibrate to low volume roads l Window methodology l Observe different ages of roads of similar conditions l Decide optimal type and timing of remedial actions
Design Lerfald: Development of a new asphalt mix design system in Norway
l Norwegian research project l Develop performance based specifications and new mix design procedures l New binder selection system for mix design based on local climate and traffic l New methods to measure E modulus and deformation properties using NAT and Gyratory compactor l Busy gathering information before giving to practice
Construction Faulkner : Innovative surfacings: What’s new in New Zealand
l Low noise surfacings – open graded l Asphalt recycling –RAP –Total pavement l Development of surfacing materials l Maintenance and construction practices –Computer controlled sprayer to vary transverse application rate –Ultra-high pressure water spray for texture treatment l Digital imaging – data collection on texture
Maintenance Hein : Preventative Maintenance Concepts and Techniques
l Focus on OVERALL VALUE of road assets l ASSET MANAGEMENT rather than worst first l Mix of strategies balances preventative actions with rehabilitation and reconstruction l Outlines the various pavement preservation techniques
Recycling l Kazmierowski : Evolution of Flexible Pavement Recycling
Kazmierowski : Evolution of Flexible Pavement Recycling l Environmental and resource challenges : recycling an alternative l Minimize green house gas emissions and waste l Presents innovative recycling measures and performance l Historic perspective l PERPETUAL PAVEMENTS
Happy reading!!!