i-CAM How to maximize the Maintenance Module Track 2 11:00AM-12:30PM © 2009 Domin-8 Enterprise Solutions LLC. All rights reserved.
2 i-CAM Work Order World? Entering the same work order over and over? Another clogged toilet call? I don’t have time to go into software setup.
3 Maximizing questions? What descriptions are used the most? What type of WO calls do you receive most often? Are there inventory items involved with the task?
4 Templates and Tasks to the rescue! Organizing templates what do you call them? Tasks within a template? Preventive Maintenance?
5 i-CAM Inventory World! Serial (Serial # items) Non-Serial Consumable (Do you want to track these?)
6 i-CAM lets you setup on the fly! Take a few minutes to save hours! Let’s go try it out!