Slide header copy In This Chapter >Sustainable existing buildings >Planning green projects for existing buildings >Measures to improve existing buildings >Retrocommissioning and ongoing commissioning
Slide header copy S 5-2 >According to Elefante, in a generation: 20 Four out of five existing buildings will be renovated But just two new buildings will be added to building stock
Slide header copy Assessing EB Project Goals >Considerations: Client motive/priority The “going-in” state of the building Cost threshold Challenges
Slide header copy Assessment Tools 5-4 >GBI’s CIEB Tool (pictured) >ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager
Slide header copy Setting Performance Targets >Realistic return on performance >Realistic assessment of layout and design of building/leased spaces >Set cost expectations >Comparable building benchmarks
Slide header copy Measurement of Building Improvements 5-6 >Site energy use/Source energy use >Carbon foot print >Water usage >Waste
Slide header copy Common Mistakes for EB Upgrades >Focus on sustainability goals, not certification goals >Recognize danger of too many improvements made without overall planning
Slide header copy O&M Improvements 5-8 >Green cleaning >Green pest management >Efficient lighting >Maintenance of HVAC operations >Staff training >Tenant education >Purchasing policies >Preventive maintenance >Supporting commuting alternatives >Optimizing water use for landscaping
Slide header copy Capital Upgrades >Considerations: Nature and length of building operations disruptions Tenant support of upgrade Engineering limitations of building Expert consultation and recommended options
Slide header copy Capital Upgrades for EB HVAC 5-10 >Fuel cell power generation >Chilled-water applied systems (chiller) >Off peak cooling and thermal storage systems >Combined heat and power (CHP) systems >Variable frequency drives (VFDs)
Slide header copy Getting the Word Out: Greenhouse Gas Savings >EPA Greenhouse Gas Equivalencies Calculator > resources/calculator.html
Slide header copy Commissioning for EB 5-12
Slide header copy >Identifies and addresses system inefficiencies >Improves building’s overall performance >Helps drive operating expenses ↓, NOI ↑ >Identifies IEQ issues >Ensures owner expectations for operations >Provides additional benefits >Building staff well- trained Retrocommissioning Benefits
Slide header copy Retrocommissioning Payback (Median) 5-14
Slide header copy Retrocommissioning as First Step
Slide header copy Commissioning Challenges 5-16 >Rent structure disincentive for some owners >Potential impact to tenant improvements already in place >Disruption of building operations potentially impacts tenant’s business operations
Slide header copy Case Study: Existing Building O&M >California EPA headquarters in Sacramento >Has become example of how small changes in building practices can significantly increase its sustainability and reduce operating expenses
Slide header copy Exercise: Sustainable Existing Building Concepts 5-18 Variable frequency drives (VFDs) Ongoing commissioning Thermal storage system CFLs APPA custodial effectiveness audit How maintenance may pay off in greater energy efficiency Geothermal heat generation Integrated upgrade approach E. B. A. G. F. H. D. C.