doc.: IEEE /0804r0 Submission July 2015 TG ax Outdoor Enterprise Scenario and DSC Date: Authors: Graham Smith, SR TechnologiesSlide 1
doc.: IEEE /0804r0 Submission Background Previous presentations have analyzed DSC and the various scenarios: Dense Apartments 13/1487r2, 14/0328r2 Airport capacity 13/1489r5 E_Education 14/0045r2 Enterprise Scenario 15/0548r0 DSC and Roaming 15/0025r0 DSC Practical Usage 14/0779r2 DSC Channel Select and Legacy sharing 14/0294r0 Dynamic Sensitivity Control 13/1012r4, 13/1280r1 This presentation looks at the Outdoor Enterprise scenario. The objective is to predict what the simulations should indicate. July 2015 Graham Smith, SR TechnologiesSlide 2
doc.: IEEE /0804r0 Submission Outdoor Enterprise Scenario July 2015 Graham Smith, SR TechnologiesSlide 3 where the effective antenna height parameters are given by ICD = 130m AP antenna height 10m STA antenna height 1.5m AP TX power 20dBm STA TX power 15dBm
doc.: IEEE /0804r0 Submission July 2015 Graham Smith, SR TechnologiesSlide 4 UMi LOS
doc.: IEEE /0804r0 Submission Cell Geometry July 2015 Graham Smith, SR TechnologiesSlide 5 Note: Simulation document uses Frequency re-use of 1
doc.: IEEE /0804r0 Submission Cell Radius 30m UMi LOS No obstruction losses July 2015 Graham Smith, SR TechnologiesSlide 6
doc.: IEEE /0804r0 Submission July 2015 Graham Smith, SR TechnologiesSlide 7
doc.: IEEE /0804r0 Submission July 2015 Graham Smith, SR TechnologiesSlide 8
doc.: IEEE /0804r0 Submission July 2015 Graham Smith, SR TechnologiesSlide 9
doc.: IEEE /0804r0 Submission Using UMi LOS assuming no losses There is no STA to STA overlap at 65m radius –for cell radius >12m no DSC, –and cell radius >28m with DSC 100% of STAs overlap with other APs with no DSC 70% of STAs overlap with other APs Hence, small advantage with DSC Using UMi LOS assuming 3dB obstruction loss per cell No DSC –There is no STA to STA overlap, no DSC –STAs overlap with APs if radius <43m –APs overlap if cell radius <36m With DSC –NO STA overlap with other STAs or APs –No AP overlap Summary on Frequency Re-Use 7 July 2015 Graham Smith, SR TechnologiesSlide 10 Perfect frequency reuse 7 for ICD >43m Perfect frequency reuse 7 for ALL ICD With DSC can use smaller cells hence higher throughput Fewer STAs competing per cell
doc.: IEEE /0804r0 Submission July 2015 Graham Smith, SR TechnologiesSlide 11 Frequency Re-Use 3 UMi no loss
doc.: IEEE /0804r0 Submission July 2015 Graham Smith, SR TechnologiesSlide 12 Frequency Re-Use 3 UMi 3dB loss per cell
doc.: IEEE /0804r0 Submission Using UMi LOS assuming no losses No DSC –100% overlap of STA to STA with at least one other cell –100% of STAs overlap with APs –100% overlap of APs With DSC –20% of STA to STA with at least one other cell –100% of STAs overlap with APs –100% overlap of APs Using UMi LOS assuming 3dB obstruction loss per cell No DSC –100% overlap of STA to STA for cell radius <30m –100% of STAs overlap with APs –100% overlap of APs With DSC –NO STA to STAs overlap –50% of STAs overlap with APs –No AP overlap Summary on Frequency Re-Use 3 July 2015 Graham Smith, SR TechnologiesSlide 13 Small advantage with DSC for UL Traffic Some Improvement to UL traffic Significant improvement to DL traffic ALL Cell sizes
doc.: IEEE /0804r0 Submission DSC can enable smaller cell radii to be used. –Example: Cutting ICD from 130m to 60m will improve throughput by at least 4.7 times Assuming 3dB obstruction loss per cell –DSC provides perfect frequency re-use 7 for ALL ICD –Without DSC perfect frequency re-use 7 for ICD> 86m –DSC provides improvement for re-use 3 for ALL radii –Without DSC total STA/AP overlap unless ICD > 130m –Conclusion: DSC will show an improvement and if a small obstruction loss is present, dramatic improvement by allowing smaller cells Conclusions July 2015 Graham Smith, SR TechnologiesSlide 14