ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 Oracle General Ledger 會計總帳 講師 : 劉秉中 2003/09
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 2/84 Outline Overview Set of books Journals Budgeting Advanced account structure Reporting and analysis tools Accounting for foreign and multiple currencies
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 3/84 庫存 Inventory Oracle ERP Overview 客戶訂單 SO 主生產排程 MPS 粗略產能 規劃 RCCP 物料需求 計劃 MRP 請購作業 PR 採購作業 PO 收料作業 Receiving 生產指示 Discrete Repetitive Flow Project Process 生產發料 Issue 生產控制 製程移轉 SFC 生產入庫 Transfer 出貨作業 Picking Shipping 細部產能 規劃 CRP 應付帳款 立帳 Invoice 付款作業 Payment 票據管理 成本管理 Costing 主需求排程 MDS 固定資產管理 Assets 供應鍊管理 最佳化排程 APS 銷售預測 FCST 統一發 票管理 收款作業 Receipts 應收帳款 立帳 Invoice
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 4/84 作業程序作業程序 結帳 帳冊表單帳冊表單 調整 會計作業程序及相關帳冊表單 期末會計作業程序期中會計作業程序
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 5/84 The General Ledger Accounting Cycle Functional Balances Start Subsidiary Revalue (JE: Functional/Foreign Currency) (JE: Functional Currency) Post Journals Review Account Balances Consolidate (GCS) Foreign Balances Create Journal Entries Open Period Convert Review Journal Details Run Reports Close Period Translate Correct Errors Calendar
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 6/84 Using Oracle General Ledger Analyze Manipulate Record Review Oracle General Ledger
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 7/84 Integrating with Subledgers Manufacturing subledgers Financial subledgers Oracle General Ledger Exporting Information to GL –Payables : Payments and invoices –Receivables : Debit/Credit memos, invoices, receipts, guarantees … –Assets : Deferred and standard depreciation expense transactions … –Projects : Labor cost, usage cost, revenue information … –Purchasing : Accrued receipts –Cost Management/Inventory : Inventory and work in process transactions
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 8/84 Integrating with Subledgers GL_JE_LINES GL_JE_HEADERS GL_JE_BATCHES Subledgers GL_INTERFACE Transfer in summary or detail Automatic or manual Journal Import Post GL_BALANCES Asset
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 9/84 Outline Overview Set of books Journals Budgeting Advanced account structure Reporting and analysis tools Accounting for foreign and multiple currencies
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 10/84 Elements Required for a Set of Books Define a chart of accounts Define an accounting calendar Define currencies
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 11/84 Multiple Books for Multiple Companies Each corporation may include multiple sets of books. Each set of books may include multiple companies and/or divisions. Corporation Sets of books Companies Divisions
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 12/84 Sharing a Set of Books Across Oracle Applications Value sets Account Structure: Segment values Security rules Cross-validation rules Period types Accounting Calendar: Currencies Periods
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 13/84 Accounting Flexfield Application Accounting Flexfield Segment Value Value Set Defining Chart of Account Flexfield Security Rules Cross-Validation Rules Value
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 14/84 Format: Char Maximum size: 4 Validation: Independent Format: Number Maximum size: 3 Validation: Independent Format: Char Maximum size: 2 Validation: Independent Defining Value Sets & Segment Values Value_Set 1 Value_Set 2Value_Set 3 Cost Center Natural Account Natural Account Balancing Segment 0102 Validation Type –Independent –Dependent –Table Qualifiers Values
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 15/84 Design Account Segments The account structureThe account structure helps you categorize your accounting information. account structureYou create an account structure by defining Accounting Flexfield segments that comprise the account –Company –Fund –Cost center or Department –Account –Product –Program –Project –District –Distribution Channel
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 16/84 Creating Accounting Flexfields Perform the five steps necessary to create an Accounting Flexfield. –1. Define a value set. –2. Define an Accounting Flexfield structure. –3. Define valid segment values. –4. Optionally, create account combinations. –5. Define security rules. Example : XX XXX XXXX XXXX XXX Company Department Account Sub-Account Product
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 17/84 Using Dynamic Insertion Dynamically create new account combinations. –Dynamic insertion can be enabled or disabled at any time. –All new combinations must satisfy all defined cross-validation rules before they are accepted.
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 18/84 Defining Flexfield Security Rules Restrict data entry and online inquiry to specific values by using flexfield security rules. #’s 0000 to 9999 #’s 1000 to 3999 Account Segment Account Segment Include: Exclude:
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 19/84 Defining Cross-Validation Rules Prohibit creation of invalid account combinations using cross-validation rules. –Use cross-validation rules in combination with dynamic insertion. –Define cross-validation rules before entering a chart of accounts.
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 20/84 Combinations Journal Not Found : ERROR Found : OK Not Allow Dynamic Insertion Allow Dynamic Insertion Not Found : CREATE Found : OK Cross-Validation Rule: Department 730 can only be used with Company 01 Flexfield Security Rule: Compay00 not valid for this Responsibility Journal & Account Scenario Security Rule
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 21/84 Defining the Accounting Calendar Create a calendar to define an accounting year and the periods that it contains. –Periods –Period Type Calendar Fiscal –Period Open/Close
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 22/84 Defining Currencies Create New Currencies Predefined Daily Conversion Rate Type –Spot –Corporate –User –European Monetary Union (EMU) Fixed Custom Rate Type Defining Daily Rates between any two non- EMU currencies
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 23/84 Creating a Set of Books You must create at least one set of books before you can use Oracle General Ledger. Required steps include: –Defining Accounting Flexfields Value sets Segments Segment values –Defining calendar periods and calendar period types –Defining currencies –Defining your set of books and assigning it to a responsibility
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 24/84 Defining Shorthand Aliases A simple code that represents a partial or complete account combination. Reduce account-entry keystrokes Maximize productivity and accuracy. = Shorthand Alias Account Combination Cash01 NY Sales Computer Monitors NY Monitor Sales
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 25/84 Defining Journal Categories Journal categories help you differentiate journal entries by purpose or type. When you enter journals, you specify a category. –Use the predefined journal categories. –Define your own journal categories.
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 26/84 Defining Journal Sources Journal entry sources identify the origin of your journal entries. –Predefined journal sources Assets: Fixed Asset System Consolidation: Consolidation System Conversion: Historical Data Conversion Manual: Manual Journal Entry Transfer: Budget Transfer –Custom-Defined journal sources. –Freeze journals imported from feeder systems.
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 27/84 Practice (1)~(2) Find out the current Chart of Accounts Check the Account Structure Insert a value in the Department Segment
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 28/84 Outline Overview Set of books Journals Budgeting Advanced account structure Reporting and analysis tools Accounting for foreign and multiple currencies
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 29/84 Journal Entry Types Basic Journal Entry Reversing Journal Entry Recurring Entries MassAllocations
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 30/84 Journal Creation Methods Manual Entry Reversals Reversals Recurring Recurring MassAllocations MassAllocations Journal Import Journal Wizard
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 31/84 Journal Journal Batch Journal Header Journal Entry Line
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 32/84 Accounting Calendar Accounting period 5 statuses Open Period Closed Period Permanently Closed Period Never Opened Future Enterable
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 33/84 Posting Journals Update balances by posting journals. Un-post Journal –Control total violations –Posting to unopened periods –Unbalanced journal entries Post journal Enter journal Prepost $500 Journal 25 After post $525 Account Balance
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 34/84 Reviewing and Correcting Balances End Enter and post journals Enter and post journals Review balances No Yes Are the account balances correct?
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 35/84 Creating Reversing Journals Generate a reversal of any journal entry Dr. Rent Expense…….…10,000 functional dollars Cr.Cash…………….10,000 functional dollars Create Reversal Dr. Cash…….…...10,000 functional dollars Cr. Rent Expense……...10,000 functional dollars
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 36/84 Recurring Journals There are three major types of recurring journals. –Skeleton –Standard –Formula Dr.Temporary Labor……………… Cr.Salaries Payable……………….. Dr.Auto Lease Expense…….... Cr.Accounts Payable…….. Dr.Rent Expense…………….... Cr.Rent Payable……..
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 37/84 MassAllocations: Overview A single journal entry formula that allocates revenues and expenses across a group of cost centers, departments, divisions, and so on. Chicago rent Total rent Paris rent Tokyo rent 1/3
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 38/84 Defining MassAllocation Journals: Exmple Dr. Total rent expense …………10,000 dollars Cr. Rent Payable …………………10,000 dollars In Nov. 1998, the organization spends 10,000 dollars for rent The organization want to allocate to 3 departments: Human Resources 45% of total floor space Research 30% of total floor space Finance 25% of total floor space Dr. Human Resources rent………4,500 dollars Dr. Research rent ………….…….3,000 dollars Dr. Finance rent ……………..…...2,500 dollars Cr. Total rent expense …………………10,000 dollars The rent expense is redistributed using the following journal entry:
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 39/84 Practice (3) Create Journal Entry Posting Journals
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 40/84 Outline Overview Set of books Journals Budgeting Advanced account structure Reporting and analysis tools Accounting for foreign and multiple currencies
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 41/84 Variance 1,000 (500) Budget 15,000 3,500 1,700 20,200 Actuals 14,000 4,000 1,500 19,500 December 1998 Cost Center 100 Salaries Supplies Travel TOTAL Budget : Overview specified range of periodsBudget estimated account balances for a specified range of periods. Then compare estimated amounts with actual balances to determine variances.
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 42/84 Anatomy of a Budget: Overview A budget consists of periods, accounts, and amounts. Name: FY96PLAN CC100 ….. $3000 CC200 ….. $1500 CC100 ….. $3000 CC200 ….. $1500 Jan-1994 to Dec-1994 PeriodsAccountsAmounts
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 43/84 Completing the Budget Accounting Cycle Define Budgets Define Budget Organizations Define Budget Formulas Define Mass Budgets Enter and Change Budget Amounts or Journals Freeze Budgets Report on Budgets Calculate Budgets
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 44/84 Creating Master and Detail Budgets Uses summary accounts to maintain master- detail budget relationships between hierarchy levels. Corporate budget Master: None Corporate budget Master: None Marketing budget master: Corporate Sales budget master: Corporate Western budget master: Sales Eastern budget master: Sales Public relations budget master: Marketing Trade shows budget master: MarketingTotaldivisions TotalsalesTotalmarketing
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 45/84 Defining Budget Organizations Define budget organizations to specify budget accounts. Engineering CC #300 Maintenance CC #100 Administration CC #200
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 46/84 Entering Budget Amounts Budget rules are predefined methods for calculating and distributing amounts to all periods for an account. Annual advertising budget Budget rule: Divide evenly 1,200,000 Jan 100,000 Feb 100,00 0 Mar 100,00 0 Apr 100,00 0 May 100,00 0 Jun 100,00 0 Jul 100,00 0 Aug 100,00 0 Sep 100,00 0 Oct 100,00 0 Nov 100,00 0 Dec 100,00 0
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 47/84 Defining MassBudget Journals Define a single formula to allocate budget amounts across a group of balancing segment values, departments, and so on. Total maintenance budget Shipping Dept. maintenance budget Engineering Dept. maintenance budget Purchasing Dept. maintenance budget
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 48/84 Creating Budget Formulas Calculate recurring budget amounts based on other budget amounts or on actual results. Headcount budget (HC) = 1,000 employees Total salary budget = 40,000,000 (1000 X 40,000) (1000 X 40,000) Per head salary budget = 40,000 each
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 49/84 Transferring Budget Amounts Transfer fixed amounts or percentages of budget balances between account combinations within the same budget. FY 97 PLAN Salary Benefits cc300 cc200 cc100$3000 $2000 $2500 $1000 $ 750 $ 900 FY 97 PLAN Salary Benefits cc300 cc200 cc100$2500 $2000 $2500 $1500 $ 750 $ 900 Transfer $500 from Salaries to Benefits for CC 100. FY 97 PLAN Salary Benefits cc300 cc200 cc100$3000 $2000 $2500 $1000 $ 750 $ 900 FY 97 PLAN Salary Benefits cc300 cc200 cc100$3000 $1800 $2700 $1000 $ 750 $ 900 Transfer 10% from cc200 Salaries to cc300 Salaries.
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 50/84 Reviewing and Updating Budgets Use a three-step process to ensure the accuracy of your budgets. Step 1: Review budget information. Step 1: Review budget information. Step 3: Freeze budgets. Step 3: Freeze budgets. Step 2: Correct budget information. Step 2: Correct budget information.
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 51/84 Outline Overview Set of books Journals Budgeting Advanced account structure Reporting and analysis tools Accounting for foreign and multiple currencies
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 52/84 Advanced account structure : Overview Balancing Accounts –Suspense Accounts –Intercompany Accounts Summary Accounts –Summary Account Templates –Rollup Group Templates
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 53/84 Overview journal entries not balance special balancingaccountsDue to multicompany journal entries or invalid account combinations, journal entries which do not balance within each balancing segment can sometimes be posted. However, you can use special balancing accounts to ensure that your books always remain in balance = 4 Regular accounts + 1 Balancing accounts
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 54/84 Defining Suspense Accounts Uses suspense accounts to balance journals for specific sources and categories. Example The following journal entry is posted: Dr. Rent Expense…………..10,000 functional dollars Cr. Cash…………………………8,000 functional dollars Because the debits and credits do not balance, the posting program creates the following journal entry line to post the difference to a suspense account. Cr. Suspense Account……..2,000 functional dollars
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 55/84 Defining Intercompany Accounts Define intercompany accounts for specific sources and categories. Example Company 1 transfers an asset to Company 2. Dr. Co #2 Asset Account………….10,000 functional dollars Cr. Co #1 Asset Account……………10,000 functional dollars Dr. Co #1 Interco. Receivables……10,000 functional dollars Cr. Co #2 Interco. Payables……………10,000 functional dollars The posting program creates journal entry lines to balance journal amounts for each balancing segment value against the appropriate intercompany account.
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 56/84 Summary Account : Overview Summary accounts store the sum of the balances of groups of detail accounts. Summary Revenue Account……….15,000 Detailed Revenue Account A…..10,000 Detailed Revenue Account B…….3,000 Detailed Revenue Account C…….2,000 }
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 57/84 Defining Summary Accounts Summary accounts enable quick online inquiries of account groupings. Following are common segments and examples of ways you can summarize information within each segment: –Company –Cost center –Account –Product –District or region
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 58/84 Parent Values and Rollup Groups Assign related parent values to rollup groups before creating summary accounts. Nevada 299 Nevada 299 Oregon 399 Oregon 399 East 101 East 101 West 102 West 102 East 201 East 201 West 202 West 202 East 301 East 301 West 302 West 302 Arearollupgroup Staterollupgroup California 199 California 199 Detailsegments Western area Western area
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 59/84 Outline Overview Set of books Journals Budgeting Advanced account structure Reporting and analysis tools Accounting for foreign and multiple currencies
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 60/84 Different Types of Reports Standard Reports and Listings –Request reports online without tying up your terminal while you wait to generate and print your report. –Group reports into report sets. –Schedule reports to run at regularly scheduled intervals. Financial Statement Generator (FSG) Reports –Create complex financial reports for business units, profit centers, and cost centers. –Create consolidation reports, statement of cash flows, and reports including statistical information. –Report on translated and foreign currency amounts.
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 61/84 Standard Reports Oracle General Ledger gives you a complete set of standard reports. Categories of standard reports and listings include: Account AnalysisBudget Consolidation Chart of Accounts Currency Financial Statement Generator General Ledger Journals Execution Trial Balance Other
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 62/84 Submit Request Flow Choose to submit a request or a set of requests Choose to submit a request or a set of requests Enter request information Select Submit Request Record request ID Enter parameter values Define submission schedule Define completion options May be required OptionalOptional OptionalOptional
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 63/84 Grouping Reports into a Set combine standard reports into a request setYou can combine standard reports, listings, and programs into a request set to submit them as a group. Report A Report B Report C Report set
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 64/84 Monitoring Standard Report Requests
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 65/84 Basic FSG Reports Financial Statement Generator (FSG) is a powerful and flexible tool Build your own custom reports without programming. Rows Columns
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 66/84 Defining Row Sets & Column Sets Row Set Row (Calculated) Row Definitions Column Set Title Headings Assign accountsAssign accounts Define calculationsDefine calculations Specify formattingSpecify formatting Specify accountSpecify account balance types balance types Create HeadingsCreate Headings Define calculationsDefine calculations Specify formattingSpecify formatting
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 67/84 Row Set & Column Set Overrides A conflict exists if the same option is entered with different values in both the row set and the column set. Stop Row Set Level of Detail = Controller Column Set Level of Detail = Supervisor Conflict situation
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 68/84 Customized Financial Reports Define row sets. Define column sets. Define financial reports and report sets. Request financial reports and report sets
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 69/84 Practice (4) Run a Financial Report
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 70/84 Outline Overview Set of books Journals Budgeting Advanced account structure Reporting and analysis tools Accounting for foreign and multiple currencies
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 71/84 Concepts You Should Know Multiple Sets of Books Multiple Reporting Currencies Sets of Books Transactions must be entered, revalued, and translated separately in each set of books. Enter transactions in primary book Transactions entered in primary books are automatically converted to each reporting set of books. Reporting Books (different Currencies)
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 72/84 Multiple Currency Accounting Flow Start SPOT CORP USER. Reports Online End Define Primary SOB (Functional Currency) Define Reporting SOB (Reporting Currency) Enter Journals (Foreign Currency) (Functional & Foreign Currency) Post Journals (Primary SOB) Define Conversion Rate Type Convert to Reporting Currency (Reporting SOB) Automatic Conversion Review Reporting Currency Balances Review Functional Currency Balances Define Currency
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 73/84 Foreign Currency Concepts Conversion Revaluation Translation
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 74/84 Conversion Automatically converts the amounts in foreign currency journals to functional currency Functional currency currency Foreign Foreigncurrencies
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 75/84 Conversion -Example On 5/17, an organization provides consulting services to a foreign company for 10,000 foreign dollars. Exchange rate : 0.8 functional dollars/ foreign dollar. Dr. Accounts Receivable…………………10,000 foreign dollars Cr. Revenue…………………………………….10,000 foreign dollars Dr. Accounts Receivable ………………… 8,000 functional dollars Cr. Revenue…………………………………..8,000 functional dollars Entered Journal Entry Lines Automatically Converted Journal Entry Lines
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 76/84 Revaluation Review foreign currency transactions Reconverts foreign currency to the functional currency Creates a journal entry to adjust the functional balance Functional currency currency Foreign Foreigncurrencies Conversion at the time of the foreign currency transaction Functional currency currency Foreign Foreigncurrencies Revaluation at the end of the accounting period
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 77/84 Continuing the Revaluation Cycle Revalue Foreign Currency Balances. Reverse Revaluation Journals. Is the foreign currency receivable still unpaid? Yes Yes Post to Unrealized Gain/Loss Account No Collect foreign currency receivable. Post to Realized Gain/Loss Account
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 78/84 Revaluation -Example On 5/31, the receivable remains uncollected and the organization wants to report on receivable financial position. The exchange rate has risen to Foreign Receivable 5/17 10,000 5/31 Functional Receivable 5/17 8,000 8,100 5/31 Functional Unrealized Gain 100
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 79/84 Translation Restate functional currency account balances into a reporting currency. Foreign Foreigncurrency Functional Functional currency currency Translation
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 80/84 Period end rate:Period end rate:The daily rate on the last day of your period (Used by Asset and Liability accounts) Period averagePeriod averageThe average of your daily rates rate: rate:throughout your period (Used by Revenue and Expense accounts) Historical rate:Historical rate: A weighted average rate for transactions that occur at different times (Used by Equity accounts) Terms You Should Know
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 81/84 Translation -Example Owner’s Equity Functional Balance Sheet Assets 100,000 Liabilities 60,000 40,000 Foreign Balance Sheet Assets 75,000 Liabilities 45,000 Owner’s Equity 28,000 Period-End Rate = 0.75 Historical Rate = 0.70 Functional Income Statement Revenue : 7,000 -Expense : 4,000 Net Income : 3,000 Foreign Income Statement Revenue : 5,040 -Expense : 2,880 Net Income : 2,160 Period-Average Rate = 0.72
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 82/84 Standard Translation or MRC Standard Translation Amounts translated at the account balances level For once-a-year consolidation needs Period or historical rates used to translate balances MRC Translation Amounts automatically translated at the transactions level For monthly foreign currency reporting Daily rates used to translate amounts Allows inquiry and reporting of reporting currencies directly from subledgers
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 Summary of Oracle General Ledger
ERP 世新大學 ERP 實驗室 84/84 Summary Creating a set of books by defining a chart of accounts, accounting calendar, and currencies Entering and posting journals Defining and maintaining budgets Generating standard and Financial Statement Generator (FSG) reports Processing foreign and multiple currency