What is meant by autonomy? The 3 dimensions of autonomy oManagerial Autonomy -Vice-Chancellor is appointed by University Council -Councils are self appointed & supreme oAcademic autonomy -Students -Staff -Programmes & Curriculum oFinancial autonomy -Block Grant -Multiple funding sources -Balances Borrowing Overdrafts
Sources of University Income Source: HESA finance record , HEFCE-funded HEIs
Some universities are almost completely self-sufficient
Proportion of UK entries in the annual top 1% of the world’s most highly cited papers
Student Non-Completion o18%, compared to 16% in 1985/86 -meanwhile participation has more than doubled, and the student profile has changed immensely oThis compares with: oThe range in the UK is from 1% to 36%. oNB our worst is better than most countries’ average. NB International Comparators from OECD ‘Education at a Glance’
Der Spiegel’s review of HE in Europe ‘Thanks to their excellent achievements the British … occupy only the top places in the table’
A diverse system % income from funding councils Brian Ramsden: Patterns of Higher Education Institutions in the United Kingdom. July 2001
A diverse system % income from funding councils% students following PG courses Brian Ramsden: Patterns of Higher Education Institutions in the United Kingdom. July 2001
A diverse system % income from funding councils% students following PG courses % students following part-time courses Brian Ramsden: Patterns of Higher Education Institutions in the United Kingdom. July 2001
A diverse system % income from funding councils% students following PG courses % students following part-time courses% non-1 st degree undergraduates Brian Ramsden: Patterns of Higher Education Institutions in the United Kingdom. July 2001
A diverse system (amount of research funding) 75% of funds to 24 universities
A diverse system – student ability
Institutions of the same size can receive very different grant