CUNYFIRST CUNYfirst stands for Fully Integrated Resources and Services Tool. The CUNYfirst system is where we do everything from seeing class rosters, verification of attendance and inputting grades. Claim your CUNYfirst account at
CUNYFIRST Click on First Time Users.
CUNYFIRST You will be taken to the Account Activation page. Fill in your information in the appropriate fields. Then, fill in the Captcha field by typing in the two words into the box. Note: Be sure to enter your birthday in mm/dd/yyyy format. Include the slashes and the full year. For example, 01/30/1978.
CUNYFIRST Make sure to answer 5 different challenge questions that will require 5 different answers.
CUNYFIRST Choose a Password. Create a password using the CUNYfirst password criteria and enter it in the Password field. CUNYfirst password criteria: Password must be at least 8 characters long. Password must contain at least 1 uppercase letter. Password must have at least one number character or one special character #, etc.). Password must not be one of 4 previous passwords. **Password will expire 90 days after the last password change**
CUNYFIRST You have now created your CUNYfirst account. Write down your username and EMPLID (CUNY ID) and keep it in a safe place. Note: Your username has a period between your first name and last name followed by the last two digits of your EMPLID (CUNY ID).
CAMS CAMS stands for College Account Management System. Through the CAMS page you manage your QC Username/ account which allows you access to the wireless network, MyQC, and much more.
CAMS To Sign up for your account go to and click on Sign Up Now.
CAMS To begin creating your account, you must first enter your: Last Name First Name Date of Birth (including slashes) Last 4 digits of your SSN Your Status (student, faculty, or staff)
CAMS Your QC Username account will be DeActivated. To begin your account activation, click on the Details button.
CAMS Select DEACTIVATED- Click to Activate and set up your password following the criteria below.
CAMS Your QC Username account has now been Activated.
MYQC To access MyQC, click on Login to… and select MyQC to access your Intranet site. Please note that you will be asked for your QC Username and Password.