Pomaria Primary School Mentoring a Culture of Inqury Chic Foote September 13, 2013
Creating a Culture of Inquiry Designing the Invitational Environment Trust Secure in taking risks Open communication Empowering Collaborative, sharing Rich in background knowledge John Barel. (2007) Problem Based Learning. An Inquiry Approach. Corwin
3 approaches Teacher Directed Teacher Student shared Student Led
Establish a Partnership for Learning Invites participation in: Asking questions Searching or answers Creating meaningful relationships Reflecting on their journey Community icon Freedigitalphotos.net/Salvatore Vuono John Barel. (2007) Problem Based Learning. An Inquiry Approach. Corwin
Key Elements Teacher modeling Questioning (Tch/Student) Quality Responding Peer interaction Developing group inquiry skills Using reflective journals John Barel. (2007) Problem Based Learning. An Inquiry Approach. Corwin
Key Elements Teacher modeling - Think aloud through problem situations Questioning - Teacher and Student Quality Responding - Teachers response to statements, questions, expressions of feeling fosters open communications, Peer interaction Create a setting for positive response, questioning each other Developing group inquiry skills - Researching, developing critical thinking, listening focusing on topic, building on each others ideas, consensus Using reflective journals - Questioning across the curriculum John Barel. (2007) Problem Based Learning. An Inquiry Approach. Corwin
Climate of Partnership When teachers hare successful and unsuccessful experiences they let student know they are not perfect. Model behaviours and dispositions of a problem solver John Barel. (2007) Problem Based Learning. An Inquiry Approach. Corwin
Teacher Inquiry Journal Record kinds of problems Approaches to problems Kinds of questions How we process John Barel. (2007) Problem Based Learning. An Inquiry Approach. Corwin
Observe-Think-Question O ObserveT ThinkQ Question Picture Cue Assume role – eg Paleontologist on an expedition charged with analysing critter and developing a line of inquiry Sort and sift questions – reflect…what do we notice? What do they have in common? Compare with a question array – edit and upgrade to eflect gathering, processing and application John Barel. (2007) Problem Based Learning. An Inquiry Approach. Corwin
Developing Problematic Situations Select a topic/focus and find a problematic situation, image or statement within Present as a scenario
Fascinating Factoids Factoid or isolated fact Becomes more meaningful if considered through a range of questions Align questions with heirachy of thinking David Castillo Dominici, Daydreamer freedigitalphotos.net
Quality Teacher Responses are affected by …….. Tone of voice Way of attending to the student Interest in the students ideas
Reflective Practice Form could vary Prompts useful to deepen thinking Formal or informal