Elementary Education in Northern Ireland through my eyes & Brighton and me as student Blanka Beldová
Signing of the book of guests of honour in the Garricktergus’s town hall in Ulster
That‘s about the school from times of Charles Dickens and Charlotte Bronte
The life at today‘s primary school
The headmistress of the primary school, her deputy headmisstress, my colleague and me
All classrooms were decorated with lots of pieces of child‘s work
The children were working in small groups
Each clasroom was furnished with shelves full of schoolbooks and teaching texts
The school library
Older children have a PC in a classroom at ther disposal
Casual layout of school desks is a rule
Uniforms are compulsory
The gym, the dinning hall and school theatre - 3 in 1
Brighton - the centre of international English language school
Brighton is famous for its piers
The pier at night – the centre of entertainment
Welcome to Oxford
The English history
Czech women are the biggest !