How to use the Shield-2 Authentication Model (AC)
Shield-2 authenticating model (exclusively a graphical password model) consists of an image set used for password selection and a fingerprint login facility. Using the Shield-2 AC is easy. Simply register by clicking on the link “Don’t have an account? Click here to create one.” This will open up the Registration form as seen in the next slide.
Enter your Full Name Shield-2 Registration Form Enter your You are expected to choose your password here. A fuller version of these images is shown in the next slide. Choose password diagonally as shown by the yellow colors. Password must not be less than six (6) images. And you are follow any diagonal pattern while choosing. Enter the numbers below the images on the boxes below. Each number represents the image above it. Enter a minimum of six numbers or maximum of 10 to indicate the images on the boxes
FingerPrint Registration The registration form leads you to FingerPrint Registration Wizard, where you will be meant to register your finger. You will have to place your finger on the FingerPrint device.
After registering, it’s time to log in… Enter your The images are randomly displayed but they follow same diagonal pattern. So, identify the first image that begins your password, begin with it, and diagonally trace down your password Enter the numbers of the images (which is your password) in the boxes
FingerPrint Login You will then be asked to place your finger on the FingerPrint device to login fully. Now click here to test the Shield-2 mode