Unit 3 Study Guide
Please use the Venn diagram to compare and contrast the environments of Egypt and Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia is semiarid with two major rivers, the Tigris and the Euphrates, which the people relied heavily upon for growing crops. Egypt was arid with the Nile that regularly flooding.
Show the hierarchy of Ancient Egyptians Pharaoh Priests and Nobles Scribes and Government officials Craftspeople and Merchants Farmers Laborers and slaves
Describe a religious belief from ancient Egypt or one the mythological stories we have read I.E Re, Osiris, Isis or Anubis The story of the Prince and the Sphinx.
What are Hatshepsut and Ramses II known for Hatshepsut was a powerful female pharaoh that sent a trade expedition to Punt. Ramses the II ruled for 66 years bringing peace and prosperity to Egypt.
Why did the Egyptians build pyramids? To leave a lasting impression of greatness. The pyramid served as a tomb. Pyramids were to be the palace’s of dead Pharaoh's in the Afterlife.
Tell where the kingdom of Kush was and describe it’s rise and fall. Located in Nubia which is modern day Sudan. Under Piankhi united Kush with upper and lower Egypt setting up Napata as a major trade center and capital of the 25th Dynasty. Under Taharqa, was defeated by the Assyrians, and moved capital city to Meroe.
What were the accomplishments of the Kingdom of Aksum and King Ezana? Defeated the Kush. Expanded the Kingdom of Aksum to the area that is now Ethiopia, Eritrea and Somalia. Blended cultures, created beautiful architecture, developed the language of Ge’ez and introduced terraced farming.
Vocab Nubia- A region of Africa that covers parts of Sudan Aksum- A kingdom in Ethiopia that rose to power in 4th c. Griot- An official story teller. Cataract- A waterfall. Delta- The area near a river’s mouth. Dynasty-Line of rulers from the same family. Fertile- Good for growing food. Obelisk- Four sided shaft with pyramid shaped top. Terrace- A leveled off area of land. Smelting- To heat rocks and separate metals or minerals Animism- A belief that all things have a soul.