Lesson Exodus The Murmur Cycle
The Exodus Any babysitters out there? Remember their willingness and faith during the Passover? Exodus 14:10-12 Warning: The children of Israel are going to start getting on your nerves. I know the feeling as a parent.
Elder Neal A. Maxwell
Some clever quips… “Murmuring seems to come so naturally to the natural man.” “Strange… how those with the shortest memories have the longest lists of demands” “Apparently, it was easier to get the children of Israel out of Egypt that it was to get Egypt out of the children of Israel.”
Each table has a miracle Read the passage and answer the following questions about that miracle: 1.What was the problem/hardship facing the Israelites? 2.What did they say to Moses? What was their attitude? 3.What did the Lord provide? 4.What did the Lord teach them through this miracle? 5.How does the miracle symbolize Christ and how He helps us through trials? 6.What similar trials might you go through? 7.How can you approach the Lord and how will He provide?
The Lord is patient and merciful We are fortunate that the Lord will continue to teach us and guide us even when we struggle repeatedly. Hopefully we won’t have such a short attention span as the Israelites, but we will test the patience of the Lord. He is merciful and will take every opportunity to teach, especially if we are humble.
Notebook Ideas What personal struggles have caused you to plea to the Lord for help? How did He help you through those struggles? What did He teach you as part of the process?