The Progress Report for KVN Construction Seog-Tae Han and KVN staffs Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute March18 th 2009
Outline - Overview of KVN - Antenna construction - Receivers and their test results - DAS(Data Acquisition System) - Future plan and Summary
Seoul (Yonsei) Ulsan (Ulsan) Jeju(Tamna) 2001 ~ stations with 21m radio telescopes - Cassegrain type 22,43,86 and 129GHz band Receiver - Simultaneous observation of four bands - first proposed in the world Digital DAS system has been completed Correlators will be completed in 2010 Millimeter-wave VLBI Astronomy Overview of KVN
KVN Yonsei Observatory (Yonsei University at Seoul)
KVN Ulsan Observatory (Ulsan University)
KVN Tamna Observatory (Tamna University)
Efficiency (%) EL (°) RemarkT B * (K) Aperture efficiencies at 22GHz Venus68(70)30LPF ** Aperture efficiencies at 43GHz Venus68.8(70)32LPF Aperture efficiencies at 100GHz Venus5140 Aperture efficiencies Pointing Accuracy - 4 arcsec at 100GHz
Outline - Receivers and their test results
( 단위 : 백만원 ) Quasi-optical circuit for Multi-band receivers
( 단위 : 백만원 ) Quasi-optical circuit installed at receiver room of antenna Quasi-optical circuit installed at receiver room of antenna M5 Cal chopper 22GHz RX 43GHz RX M4 M1 M2 M3
43GHz ( Black ) The Pointing offset between 22GHz and 43GHz band at Jupiter 22GHz ( Red )
Orion-KL H 2 O and S i O Maser Line Simultaneous Observation Results !!!!! on October 28 th 2008
East Asian VLBI Network with KVN Yonsei Univ. Mizusawa
W49N H 2 O maser Star formation region W49N H 2 O Maser Dater : Honma et al.(2008)
Development of 22GHz receiver RHCPLHCP LNAs Polarizer & OMT Isolator
Development of 22GHz receiver IF converter 22GHz down to 9GHz/2GHz Amplitude and phase Calibrator for receiver
Development of 43GHz receiver Isolator RHCPLHCPLNAs Polarizer & OMT M&C Local osc
KVN Down Converter Properties Input Frequency : 8-10 GHz Output Frequency : MHz LO Frequency : GHz, LSB Number of Channel : 4 Channel Output Power : ~ 0 dBm Headroom : > 20 dB
Receiver Noise temperature of 22GHz and 43GHz band Receivers
Q-band HEMT amplifier from NRAO Expected Receiver noise temperature : 35~40K
Outline - DAS(Data Acquisition System)
DAS (Data Acquisition System) 4 channels Analog Inputs( 750MHz/500MHz IFs of 22, 43, 86, 129GHz ) 4 channels 2Gbps(500MHz) samplers 1Gbps recorder (MK5B) 256MHz, 128NHz,64MHz, 32MHz,16MHz and 8MHz 500MHz 4 channels digital spectrometers - single antenna observation mode It has been completed for 3 stations
Digital Spectrometer Mode 1. Wide band mode - 512MHz X 4 bands ( 2. Narrow band mode - 256MHz, 128MHz, 64MHz, 32MHz, 16MHz, 8MHz Digital Filter mode
Outline - Future plan and Summary
Timeline for system development Optics 86/129G 22GHz 43GHz 86GHz 129GHz Phase cal. System
Summary and Discussion - Simultaneous observation for 22/43GHz and VLBI Observation between KVN and VERA successfully have been performed - Aperture efficiency : - Pointing accuarcy : 100GHzx - 22/43GHz Receivers will be installed at KVN Ulsan and Tamna observatories in this year - 86GHz and 129GHz will be completed until 2011.
Thanks for your attention