Space the final frontier By: Easton Frazier
The orbit you take between the Earth and Mars. The typical time during Mars's closest approach to the Earth every 1.6 years is about 260 days. Again, the details depend on the rocket velocity and the closeness of the planets, but 260 days is the number I hear most often give or take 10 days. Some high-speed transfer orbits could make the trip in as little as 130 days.
Did you know that mars is called the red planet. Do you know what mars is made of rust.
Did you know the earth is the only planet with water and life.
Do you know what Saturn is made of? It is gas. Did you know that Saturn's ring is made of rock, ice and dust?
Did you know that the sun is the closest star to earth. Do you know what the sun is made of? It is burning gas.
Thank you for taking your time to watch my presentation. Bill Nye the Science Guy Show