FUN WITH SHAPES! 1st Grade Mathematics Ms. Coleman Click Arrow to go to Main Menu
Click on a shape to learn more about it! CircleSquareTrianglePentagon OctagonHexagon Decagon Kite Click here for a Review Question on the Topic
Octagon Key Features: A shape with eight equal sides and eight equal angles. Lines of Symmetry: Eight. Rotational Symmetry: Order 8. Click Arrow to Return to Main Menu
Hexagon Key Features: A shape with six equal sides and six equal angles. Lines of Symmetry: Six. Rotational Symmetry: Order 6. Click Arrow to Return to Main Menu
Decagon Key Features: A shape with ten equal sides and ten equal angles. Lines of Symmetry: Ten. Rotational Symmetry: Order 10. Click Arrow to Return to Main Menu
Kite Key Features: A quadrilateral with two pairs of adjacent sides that are equal. Lines of Symmetry: One. Rotational Symmetry: None. Click Arrow to Return to Main Menu
Circle Key Features: Every point around the circle is the same distance from the center. Lines of Symmetry: Infinite. Rotational Symmetry: Order infinite. Click Arrow to Return to Main Menu
Square Key Features: A quadrilateral with four equal sides and four right angles. Lines of Symmetry: Four. Rotational Symmetry: Order 4. Click Arrow to Return to Main Menu
Triangle Key Features: All three sides are the same length and all three angles are equal. Lines of Symmetry: Three. Rotational Symmetry: Order 3. Click Arrow to Return to Main Menu
Pentagon Key Features: A shape with five equal sides and five equal angles. Lines of Symmetry: Five. Rotational Symmetry: Order 5. Click Arrow to Return to Main Menu
A shape with six equal sides and six equal angles is called a..... (Hint: This shape makes up a bee hive) Square Hexagon Triangle Click Arrow to Return to Main Menu
Incorrect. Try Again! Count around the edges of the square. It has four equal sides and four equal angles. Click on the arrow to go back to the question
Incorrect. Try Again! Count around the edges of the triangle. It has three equal sides and three equal angles. Click on the arrow to go back to the question
Correct! A Hexagon is made up of six equal sides and six equal angles! Bee’s use this shape for their hive because it easily fits together. Click on the arrow to complete the lesson
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