Supporting your child in learning about shape and space
Aims of the evening: To explain the progression in learning about shape and space in the primary school and the vocabulary used. To explain the links between shape and space and reasoning and communicating. To suggest ways of helping and supporting your child with maths at home.
Vocabulary parallelprism perpendicularpolygon oblongpentagon trapeziumquadrilateral pyramidsphere cuboid tetrahedron hemisphere Can you put these shape words in the order you think they are taught, from Yr R to Y6?
Vocabulary R - pyramid sphere 1 - cuboid 2 - pentagon 3 - quadrilateral prism hemisphere 4 - oblong polygon tetrahedron 5 - parallel perpendicular 6 - trapezium
Key terms sides corners faces edges vertices
Overlap with other areas of mathematics Fractions The language of position and direction Data handling – sorting Number patterns
Shape work is often connected to number pattern
What shapes can you see? How many of each? What vocabulary did you use to discuss the pattern?
What do children do with shapes? Explore them – roll, stack… Make patterns/nets Build models Describe Name/identify/recognise Visualise Sort Turn them Reflect (flip) them Draw/construct Complete Compare Classify Reason Practical handling, discussion, mental work, drawing.
A simple sort triangles squares
More complex sorting – Venn diagram
hexagonnot a hexagon regular irregular Carroll diagram
Quadrilaterals No right angles 1 right angle 2 right angles 3 right angles 4 right angles No parallel lines 1 pair of parallel lines 2 pairs of parallel lines
Which is the odd one out?
What do children use in school to explore shape and space?
Helping your child Relate it to the real world as much as possible Talk, listen, model, recast Ask questions Be curious and fascinated Use a dictionary