Adolescence Hormones out of control?
living on the edge
piercings, tatoos
Who am I???????
Choices, decisions
Get Up!!!!!!!!!! get your room cleaned up, do the dishes is your homework done? the laundry is not going to do itself
Get good grades! Hey teacher, leave those kids alone! go to university get a job move out you’re an adult now????? Why do you still treat me like a kid
Worldwide ?
More choices......
do this, don’t do that...
Just do it......
do you belong ?? rap emo rock country classical jazz punk gothic
When does it begin.... that transition period between childhood and adulthood Initiation quest, bar mitzvah, sweet 16, graduation puberty: sexual maturation; the end of childhood and the point when reproduction is first possible
Theories: G. Stanley Hall (1904) a transitional stage...”great storm and stress” Margaret Mead (1935) not all adolescents go through storm and stress...that storm and stress comes from industrialized society only 11% of adolescents experience difficulty. 32% have sporadic problems....
.....robert havighurst and...57% enjoy a relatively positive experience through their adolescent years. Havighurst (1972) 9 developmental tasks which must be mastered
p accepting one’s physical makeup and acquiring a masculine or feminine gender role 2. Developing appropriate relations with age-mates of both sexes 3. Becoming emotionally independent of parents and other adults
cont.. 4. Achieving the assurance that one will become economically independent 5. Deciding on, preparing for, and entering a vocation 6. Developing the cognitive skills and concepts necessary for social competence
cont Understanding and achieving socially responsible behavior 8. Preparing for marriage and family 9. Acquiring values that are harmonious and appropriate
Physical changes physical size- weight and height sexual maturation...spermarche, menarche
ch ch ch changes turn and face the strain time may change me, but i can’t trace time
Personal Development 4-2 Cognitive development piaget....formal operations...thinking becomes more abstract rationalization....a process that an individual seeks to explain an often unpleasant emotion or behavior in a way that will preserve their self esteem
David Elkind 1984 Finding fault with authority figures Argumentativeness Apparent Hypocrisy Self-Consciousness (that zit!) Invulnerability
Identity Development Erik Erikson claims there is an identity crisis.... Identity formation vs identity confusion