The Beginnings of Human Society Chapter 1 Geography & History Prehistory The Beginnings of Civilization
Early Migration of Modern Humans Modern humans may have originated over 100,000 years ago in AFRICA! How did they travel? How did they get from Asia to North America?
Objective Learn what tools are used to understand history Learn about connection between geography and history
Terms Oral traditions: stories passed down by word of mouth History: written and other recorded events of people Prehistory: time before writing was invented Archaeologist: a scientist who examines objects to learn about human past Oral traditions: stories passed down by word of mouth Geography: study of the Earth’s surfaces and the processes that shape it
The Iceman Frozen body found in Alps Found by hikers in 1991 Clothing, tools, body preserved well Died by injuries from armed fight Used copper ax (copper used 4000B.C.) Stitched clothing…WHAT CAN WE LEARN/INFER FROM ICEMAN?
The griot (GREE OH) West Africa Professional storyteller Keeps oral traditions alive Why would he be important? What might we learn from him?
Linking Geography & History Weather patterns Water supply Landscape of a place Why do we care? What can they tell us? Geography: features of a place – climate, landscape, location
Personal Archaeology Turn to partner Each name FIVE things that exist in YOUR life today that would help someone 5000 years from now understand you and your life and your surroundings. What would each item indicate? You may focus on Arizona or Phoenix instead. Be prepared to share!