FP 6 International co-operation in Life Sciences and Technologies Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for Health Food Quality and Safety
Strengthening the foundations of ERA Structuring the ERA Research & Innovation Training & Mobility Research Infrastructures Science & Society Priority Thematic Areas Life Sciences, genomics & biotechnology for health Nanotechnologies... Food quality and safety Sustainable development... Anticipating S/T Needs Scientific support to policies New and emerging S/T needs SME activities Specific Measures for international cooperation JRC Integrating European Research Citizens & governance Aeronautics and space Information society technol. Food Quality and Safety
International co-operation in Life Sciences and Technologies THEMATIC PRIORITIES 1&5 themes : all action lines indicated in WP instruments : all indicated (new and traditional) Specific Support Actions across the priorities SPECIFIC MEASURES for INTERNATIONAL CO- OPERATION themes: complementary to priorities traditional instruments Human resources and Mobility fellowships
Rationale and objective Rationale : Public concerns due to recent food crises Increased understanding of interactions between diet, environmental factors and health Strong European agro-food and biotech industries Changing policy context (e.g. EFSA, WTO) Objective : to improve the health and well-being of European citizens through a higher quality of their food and improved control of food production and related environmental factors Food Quality and Safety
BASIC CONCEPTS: Addressing Consumer Needs Human Being Food/Diet Environmental Factors Agriculture Fisheries ‘From Farm to Fork’ ‘From Fork to Farm’ e.g. chemicals, water, allergens Food Chain Food Quality and Safety
BASIC CONCEPTS: Integration DISCIPLINESIntegration across DISCIPLINES –the “new biology” depends on simultaneous advances in genomics, physics, chemistry, mathematics, computer science, materials science… SECTORSIntegration across SECTORS –Integration of science with technology and with legal, ethical, social, and wider cultural aspects EUROPE and world-wideIntegration across EUROPE and world-wide –to increase complementarity –to create critical mass –to improve return on investment Food Quality and Safety
TECHNICAL CONTENTS (SPECIFIC PROGRAMME) – Epidemiology of food related diseases and allergies – Impact of food on health – Traceability processes – Methods of analysis/detection and control of chemical contaminants and pathogenic microorganisms – Safer production methods and healthier foodstuffs – Impact of Animal feed on Human Health – Environmental health risks Total Food Chain Food Quality and Safety
: Publication : 17 December 2002 : Dead-line : 15 April 2003 Budget: 167 M Euros 1 st Call for Proposals FOOD QUALITY and SAFETY For all documents : IP or NoE128 STREP or CA 32 SSA 7 Food Quality and Safety
International co-operation in Thematic priorities 1 and 5 Objectives To reinforce the S&T base for European research and competitiveness To help resolving global problems including: food safety, health and major transmissible diseases To support the EU Development Aid and External policies To promote co-operation with countries having established S&T co-operation agreements with the EU
International co-operation in Thematic Priorities 1 and 5 Basic principles International co-operation is supported and encouraged in all areas within Priority 1 - ‘ Life sciences, genomics and biotechnology for health’ - and Priority 5 ‘ Food Quality and Safety’ Co-operation with organisations from INCO target countries and countries with Scientific and Technical co-operation agreements are particularly welcomed More information on international co-operation in Priority 1 : More information on international co-operation in Priority 5
International co-operation in Thematic Priorities 1 and 5 Rules: PARTICIPATION Any legal entity from any third country and international organization may take part to all activities under this heading, in addition to the minimum number of participants required exceptions: Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Myanmar and North Korea (December 2002)
International co-operation in Thematic Priorities 1 and 5 Rules: FUNDING Member States, Candidate countries, Associated States, and International organisations of European Interest - fully eligible for funding. INCO target countries and International organisations established in INCO target countries - funding within limits of available budget earmarked for international co-operation (285 M€ for all FP6 thematic priorities) Other countries and International organisations - funding if necessary for carrying out the research
International co-operation in Thematic Priorities 1 and 5 Countries The INCO-target countries include The Developing countries (ACP - Africa, Caribbean and Pacific countries, Asia and Latin America) The Mediterranean partner countries Russia and the New Independent states Western Balkan Countries Countries with Scientific and Technical co-operation agreements with the EU : Argentina, Australia, Canada, Chile, China, India, Russia, South Africa, Ukraine, United States (December 2002) Information about specific countries can be found at :
International co-operation in Thematic Priorities 1 and 5 Specific Support Actions across the theme Priorities 1 and 5 can support initiatives stimulating international co-operation via Specific Support Actions (SSA) These SSAs could also address relevant actions from the Life Sciences and Biotechnology Action Plan (e.g. EU in the world: responding to global challenges) A particular focus will be on INCO target countries and countries having signed S&T co-operation agreements More information :
SSAs across priority 1 and 5 – To realise ERA objectives – To promote SMEs participation – To link with candidate countries –To stimulate international co-operation –To support policy developments (prospective and foresight) – To stimulte exploitation – To contribute to the EU Strategy for Life Sciences and Biotechnology SPECIFIC SUPPORT ACTIONS Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for Health Food Quality and Safety
Specific Support Actions To stimulate international co-operation in particular supporting co-operation with: INCO target Countries Countries having signed co-operation agreements with the EU (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, India, Kazakhstan, Russia, South Africa, Ukraine, USA - Dec 2002) SPECIFIC SUPPORT ACTIONS Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for Health Food Quality and Safety
SSAs across priority 1 and 5 – To realise ERA objectives – To promote SMEs participation – To link with candidate countries – To stimulate international co-operation – To support policy developments (prospective and foresight) – To stimulte exploitation –To contribute to the EU Strategy for Life Sciences and Biotechnology SPECIFIC SUPPORT ACTIONS Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for Health Food Quality and Safety
Life Sciences and Biotechnology: A Strategy for Europe BENEFIT FOR SOCIETY Parliament Private Sector Academia Civil Society Ethical Bodies CommissionMember States Regions European Investment Bank REGULATIONRESEARCHDEVELOPMENT
A European Strategy for Life Sciences and Biotechnology The Action Plan HARVESTING the POTENTIAL 1 GOVERNING Life Sciences and Biotechnology2 3RESPONDING to GLOBAL challenges 4 Implementation and COHERENCE across policies, sectors and actors Who? How? EC + EP + COUNCIL + MEMBER STATES + REGIONS + PRIVATE SECTOR + ACADEMIA + PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS + CIVIL SOCIETY + EIB + EFSA + EMEA + EGE... SSA
EXAMPLES OF Types of Support Activities Information, dissemination, and communication activities (conferences, seminars, discussion fora, platforms, web portals...); Concertation activities (working and expert groups...); Fact findings, monitoring and forecasting (studies, analyses, surveys...); Trans-national technology transfer and take-up related services; Development of research or innovation strategies; High level scientific awards and competitions; ... SPECIFIC SUPPORT ACTIONS Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for Health Food Quality and Safety
Partnership a single legal entity from MS or AC is sufficient as eligible for an SSA –third country’s participants may be included, with a possibility of Community financial support for specific groups of countries (INCO target) SPECIFIC SUPPORT ACTIONS Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for Health Food Quality and Safety
Calls - Evaluation Calls for proposals (OJ) –First Call: Dec 17, 2002 P1Dead-lines: P1 : 25 March 2003 P5 P5 : 15 April 2003 Evaluation by a peer-review, –Criteria Relevance Quality of the SA Potential impact Quality of the management Mobilisation of resources SSA Indicative BUDGET 8-10 MEuros 7 MEuros SPECIFIC SUPPORT ACTIONS Life Sciences, Genomics and Biotechnology for Health Food Quality and Safety
European biotechnology links with China Support to policy - International coordination A large-scale accompanying measure, the European Focus on Biotechnology in China (EFBIC) aims to: Promote collaboration and communication in research, training and innovation between Europe and China EFBIC activities will include: Seven biotechnology workshops Exchange visits and fellowships (biotechnology scientists and officials) Providing information on research and funding opportunities (web-site)
General Information on international co-operation in FP6:
Directorate-General for Research Policy and Strategic Aspects Unit E1