UK Brand familiarity: Very good Brand is pretty well-known, and even more so among adults. About half overall have heard songs from ANNIE Girls most likely to be big fans Known for being family-friendly, classic Moms, girls, and (to a lesser extent) female generals are the target; males will be tough to convert The music, “fun factor”, and promise of a new take on ANNIE will be key selling points JAPAN Brand familiarity: Solid-to-good While not as quite high as the UK, decent familiarity and favorability Female generals likely the most gettable audience; girls and moms will need a bit more convincing An inspirational, more character-driven approach might work best here FRANCE Brand familiarity: Weak GERMANY Brand familiarity: Weak Limited profile Most have no experience with the brand Limited profile Most have no experience with the brand 2
Gen. Aud MalesFemalesNorm <2525+< There’s some potential for ANNIE among general audiences in Japan; the trailer got a very good response among females Moms and girls might be tricky: young girls may be mostly on board, but moms aren’t convinced their kids will like or understand the story The inspirational story, a desire to root for Annie, and the music are top interest drivers 3 Encouraging scores among moms and girls (driven by younger girls 7-9) Among general audiences, older females (25+) are also in a good place Guys are largely un-gettable for this film; the musical genre is a main barrier The “fun factor” and music drive interest Annie is a popular character, and audiences look forward to seeing a fresh take Definite Interest Gen. Aud MalesFemalesNorm <2525+< GirlsNormMoms*Norm *Interest in taking child Moderate responses across key segments (girls, moms, and gen. audience females). Guys are largely un-gettable for this film; the musical genre is a main barrier Annie is likeable character for moms and girls who find the orphan story as well as her personality appealing Primary Interest due to perceiving Annie as a fun film for families but this perception may hold back older girls as they feel it looks too young for them Definite Interest Gen. Aud MalesFemalesNorm <2525+< GirlsNormMoms*Norm *Interest in taking child Definite Interest GirlsNormMoms*Norm 2830 *Interest in taking child
Across all segments definite interest post-Blue exposure was higher than Red – even among Annie fans. The Red background, though eye-catching, overpowers the other elements. The Blue cityscape offers a better balance and provides more details about the film. Across all segments definite interest post-Blue exposure was higher than Red – even among Annie fans. The Red background, though eye-catching, overpowers the other elements. The Blue cityscape offers a better balance and provides more details about the film. 4 Poster tests were conducted among moviegoers consisting of Moms, teen girls, and girls 7-12 in the UK and Germany to determine which poster was most effective in driving interest to see ANNIE. In both the UK and Germany the BLUE poster was the clear winner. Poster tests were conducted among moviegoers consisting of Moms, teen girls, and girls 7-12 in the UK and Germany to determine which poster was most effective in driving interest to see ANNIE. In both the UK and Germany the BLUE poster was the clear winner. Blue generated greater interest among Annie fans and wins out in the forced choice horserace against Red among all segments. The blue cityscape was seen as more inviting, family friendly, funny, and cool. Again moviegoers found the Red to be overpowering. Blue generated greater interest among Annie fans and wins out in the forced choice horserace against Red among all segments. The blue cityscape was seen as more inviting, family friendly, funny, and cool. Again moviegoers found the Red to be overpowering. BLUE RED
5 UK Odeon Kingston London May 27 th, 2014 London moviegoers responded positively at the recruited screening. Film played well among girls 7-12 and promisingly among teen girls whose recommend scores were above average. Moms were receptive to the film as well score at norm. Main draws to the screening were the Cast (Diaz and Foxx) and familiarity with the Annie Story/Movie UK Odeon Kingston London May 27 th, 2014 London moviegoers responded positively at the recruited screening. Film played well among girls 7-12 and promisingly among teen girls whose recommend scores were above average. Moms were receptive to the film as well score at norm. Main draws to the screening were the Cast (Diaz and Foxx) and familiarity with the Annie Story/Movie MEXICO Cinemex Universidad Mexico City October 4th, 2014 MEXICO Cinemex Universidad Mexico City October 4th, 2014 Mexico City moviegoers responded positively at the recruited screening. Film played very well, particularly amongst the family audience. Despite a lack of MX norms, top two box reached the high 90s amongst all kid segments, including boys. Parent scores were also robust. Top draws to the screening were the Cast (Diaz and Foxx). That the film was perceived as a good family film also helped draw Mexican families in.
6 Mexico City moviegoers responded positively at the recruited screening. Film played very well, particularly amongst the family audience. Despite a lack of MX norms, top two box reached the high 90s amongst all kid segments, including boys. Parent scores were also robust. Top draws to the screening were the Cast (Diaz and Foxx). That the film was perceived as a good family film also helped draw Mexican families in. Upcoming Screenings JAPAN Shinjuku Meiji Yasuda Seimei Hall – Tokyo November 23, 2014