Relay For Life Philadelphia University Team Captain Meeting 2
A Fine 9 of Fundraising Ideas “Just Turn and Cough, Check Your Nuts” T-Shirt Egg Hunt Cooking in Dorms…Cookbook Mardi Gras Bead Sale Book/Video/DVD/CD Sale Faculty Dress Down Day Sell Purple Ribbons Why We Relay T-Shirts 76ers Game Ticket Sale
“Just Turn and Cough, Check Your Nuts” T-Shirts 1. Research Existing Designs 2. Develop/Customize Your Own Design 3.Contact Shirt-Printing Company/Inquire through PhilaU Textile Department 4.Produce T-Shirts 5.Advertise T-Shirts 6.Sell in Kanbar/Community Service Office
Egg Hunt 1.Talk to Safety and Security to Gain Permission 2.Pick a Date Before Easter and Not On Easter Weekend. Try the Activity Period. 3.Make a Map of Where the Eggs Will Be Hidden 4.Gather Plastic Eggs and Fill With Candy 5.Advertise For Event 6.Create Sign Ups (Table In Kanbar/Ravenhill) 7.Charge $3 Per. Participant 8.Have Fun!
Cooking in Dorms…Cookbook 1.Compile a list of Dorm-Friendly Recipes 1.Talk to Friends/ Friends/Talk to RA’s 2.Format Pages for Cookbook 3.Contact a Company/Book Distributor and ask for Donated/Discounted Printing 4.Take Orders for # of Prints Needed (collect names and $5 deposit) 5.Print Books 6.Sell Books for $10
Mardi Gras Bead Sale 1.Order Beads From 2.Set up a Table in Kanbar 3.Sell Mardi Gras Beads for $1 a Strand 4.Make over $100 Easily! 5.NEEDS TO BE ORGANIZED BEFORE FEB. 24 th !
Book/Video/DVD/CD Sale 1.Collect Books/Videos/DVD’s/CD’s that people don’t want 2.Advertise 3.Set up a table in Kanbar/Somewhere on Campus 4.Sell Items for Discounted Prices 5.Donate Unsold Merchandise to Good Will
Faculty Dress Down Day 1.Meet With Missy Stolfi (She did it last year) 2.Create Slips for Faculty To Fill Out 3.Advertise Event to Faculty 4.Charge $5 5.Faculty Dress Down and Wear Pinned on Ribbons for the Day
Sell Purple Ribbons 1.Purchase Purple Ribbons ½” and Safety Pins 2.Assemble Group of Helpers/Friends 3.Pin Ribbons into Loops With Safety Pins 4.Set up a Table in Kanbar 5.Sell Ribbons for 1$ 6.Explain to “Customers” What Ribbons Stand For (Possibly Attach an Informational Flyer/Event Cards)
Why We Relay T-Shirts 1. Set Up a Table in Kanbar 2. Ask People to Donate $1 to Have the Name of a Person They Relay For on the T-Shirt 3.Compile a List of Those that Donate (to contact at a later date to sell shirts to) 4.Contact Shirt-Printing Company/Inquire through PhilaU Textile Department 5.Produce T-Shirts With Names 6.Advertise T-Shirts to PhilaU Students/Faculty 7.Sell in Kanbar/Community Service Office
76ers Tickets 1.Get Friends/Family to Purchase 76ers Tickets on ACS Night 2.Pick Up Order Forms at Team Captain Meeting/From Committee Member 3.Collect Money 4.Return Forms to Committee Member by Feb 22 nd. 5.Go to the Game on March 26 th !
Incentive Program $350 by Today $600 by March 8 th $850 by March 30 th First Person to $1000 by Relay For Life Event!!!
Upcoming Relay Events Tabling in Kanbar/Ravenhill Every Other Thursday Incentive Program Relay Raffle a Date Battle of the Bands (at event) Paint the Campus Purple Week