Calculating pressure Pressure = Force / Area Example – A 1000 N person is standing on 2 feet. The area of the person’s feet is.2 m 2. What is the pressure of the person on the ground? Note: 1 N/m 2 = 1 Pascal (Pa, the SI unit for pressure) What happens if they stand on 1 foot?
Calculating pressure Find the pressure exerted by a 1,000 N crate with an area of 5 m 2. Find the pressure exerted by a 50 N crate with an area of 2 m 2. Notes: Pressure = Force ÷ Area *Pascal (Pa) is the SI unit for pressure
Calculating pressure Which is under more pressure? A kid swimming in 1 foot of water in the ocean, or a kid swimming in 9 feet of water in a swimming pool?