Sixth Grade WELCOME
Kyrene Kid Corona del Sol High School ASU: Elementary Education Go Devils! Taught 4 th Grade for two years 3 rd year teaching science at Altadena Expecting a little boy in November
Question Plan and conduct investigations Use appropriate tools and techniques to gather data Think critically and logically about relationships between evidence and explanations Communicate results This will mostly be done through their interactive notebooks/Lab Reports
1 st Quarter Lab Safety Measurement Lab Equipment Cells Microlife
2 nd Quarter Body Systems Plants
R espiration – gills, lungs D igestion – stomach, intestines C irculation – heart, veins, arteries, capillaries L ocomotion – muscles, skeleton
D escribe how the nervous system interacts with these systems: Respiration Digestion Circulation Locomotion E xplain how the human body contracts and fights illnesses and diseases.
Wisconsin Fast Plants Plant Physiology Plant Life Cycles
3 rd Quarter Renewable Sunlight, wind, rain, etc. Nonrenewable Fossil fuels Transfer of energy Energy
C ompare the pros and cons of alternate energy sources and the technology behind them. E xplain why all energy sources should be conserved.
4 th Quarter D escribe layers of the atmosphere S tructures of lakes, rivers, oceans W ater cycle W eather Earth’s Processes and Systems
D escribe the interactions between human populations, natural hazards, and the environment. U nderstand the impact of technology.
80% Assessments Tests & Quizzes Projects ▪Edible Cell ▪Egg Drop ▪Wind Car Lab Reports 20% Practice/Homewor k
Planners It will be written in every Monday for the week. Adjustments may be made on a daily basis depending on student participation in class. If needed extra homework may be added. Website Updated every week displaying what we will be working on and the homework. ** Due to changes, please check these on a regular basis so you know what is expected.
Rewards Classroom Tickets Pride Tickets Class Points home Consequences ISI Lunch Detention Extra homework (if not completing work) home
Providing structure and procedures so that he or she is confident and comfortable with daily happenings Maintain high but reasonable expectations Communicate with you whenever necessary or upon request from you Provide valuable practice through homework Strongly protect your child’s right to a challenging learning environment free from distractions and misbehavior
Supporting the classroom procedures and providing structure at home. Monitoring the neatness, accuracy and level of difficulty of their homework. Communicating ANYTHING about your child that might interfere with their learning.
Phone Number: (480)