1 A Cost-effective Substantial- impact-filter Based Method to Tolerate Voltage Emergencies Songjun Pan 1,2, Yu Hu 1, Xing Hu 1,2, and Xiaowei Li 1 1 Key Laboratory of Computer System and Architecture Institute of Computing Technology Chinese Academy of Sciences 2 Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences
2 Outline Background and Motivation Voltage Emergency Analysis Substantial-impact-filter Based Method Experimental Results Conclusions
3 Background Shrinking feature size is affecting transistor behaviors Variations Static Dynamic ProcessTemperature Voltage Static Process Temperature
4 Voltage Emergencies Voltage emergencies (VE) Slow down logical operation Cause timing violations and affect system reliability Traditional tolerance technologies Set a conservative timing margin [2] Trigger a program rollback if occur [5] Voltage Nominal Operating margin Voltage emergencies V th [5] M. Gupta, et. al. “DéCoR: A Delayed Commit and Rollback Mechanism for Handling Inductive Noise in Processors,” In HPCA [2] N. James, et. al. “Comparison of split-Versus Connected-Core Supplies in the POWER6TM Microprocessor,” In ISSCC 2007.
5 Motivation Key observation: not all voltage emergencies will affect program execution Basic idea: Only handle the voltage emergencies having adverse effect on program execution Substantial impact
6 Voltage Emergency Analysis Voltage emergencies Intermittent timing faults Substantial impact faults Propagate to storage cells Change architecturally correct execution (ACE) bits Capture a wrong data
7 Voltage Emergency Analysis Quantitative analysis IVF: Intermittent Vulnerability Factor, extending from [12] Percentage of substantial-impact VE in different structures P num - (N dead + N un-ACE ) NUM total = IVF itf NUM total : total number of VE P num : the number of VE propagating to storage structures N dead : affect dead values N un-ACE : not change ACE bits [12] S. Pan, Y. Hu, and X. Li, “IVF: Characterizing the Vulnerability of Microprocessor Structures to Intermittent Faults,” In DATE, Masked
8 Substantial-impact-filter Based Method Floorplan of our method Delay sensor: a VE occurs ? Fault filter: a substantial-impact VE ?
9 Fault Filter Filter structure Architecture level masking E E ≠ ROLLBACK WRITE VE Δt=1/2cycle
10 Experimental Setup Wattch: power estimation Matlab: model power delivery subsystem (implement a second order linear model) Synopsis Design Compiler: area overhead analysis Alpha-power model [21] : compute path delay Workload 16 SPEC2000 benchmarks (10INT, 6FP) Simulate 100M instructions with SimPoint [21] T. Sakurai, et al. “Alpha-power law MOSFET model and its applications to CMOS inverter delay and other formulas,” Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 1990.
11 Experimental Results IVF for load/store queue and register file 16.6% 36.4% Include N dead and N un-ACE Upper bound IVF 14.8% 31.7% Exclude N dead and N un-ACE Refined IVF P num - (N dead + N un-ACE ) NUM total = IVF itf
12 Experimental Results Comparison of three methods Once-occur-then-rollback method DéCoR method [5] Our proposed method 57% [5] M. Gupta, et. al. “DéCoR: A Delayed Commit and Rollback Mechanism for Handling Inductive Noise in Processors,” In HPCA 2008.
13 Conclusions We obverse that less than 40% voltage emergencies affect program execution IVF: Quantitative analysis Propose a substantial-impact-filter based method to tolerate voltage emergencies Structure independent Reduce performance overhead significantly Gain back 57% performance loss
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