2012 May 17 1 JWST FGS & NIRISS CVAC Tests November 1, 2011 − January 25, 2012 Pierre Chayer, André Martel, Alex Fullerton, Ed Nelan, Kevin Volk, Anand Sivaramakrishnan, Sherie Holfeltz, Van Dixon, Paul Goudfrooij, Deepashri Thatte, Harry Ferguson Comdev Canada, CSA, UdeM, HIA FGS: Fine Guidance Sensor NIRISS: Near-InfraRed Imager & Slitless Spectrograph
Fine Guidance Sensor (FGS) Optical Layout 2012 May m 100 mm Pick-Off Mirror TMA Mirrors Focus Mirror Detectors Role of FGS: Provides centroids to the Attitude Control System.
FGS Optical Assembly 2012 May 17 3
FGS at the David Florida Laboratory 2012 May 17 4
FGS entering chamber 2012 May 17 5
FGS Optical Assembly 2012 May 17 6
FGS in chamber 2012 May 17 7
Optical Ground System Equipment (OGSE) 2012 May 17 8
Optical Ground System Assembly (OGSE) 2012 May 17 9 NIRISS
Floor plan for CVAC test 2012 May 17 10
Temperature Profile 2012 May 17 11
Chamber background 2012 May 17 12
Location of OGSE Spots in G May 17 13
Images of OGSE Sources 2012 May 17 14
Bad Pixel Maps 2012 May 17 15
IDENTIFICATION Identification of the Guide Star. Full-frame: strip readout: 36 (64x2048) strips, 8 overlaps. ID strip integration time: 0.32 sec. Strip readout: read-read-reset-read-read CDS1 and CDS2. Create two lists of bright objects. Merge the two lists one list. Identify guide star and ref. stars Triad algorithm. Success Guide star is identified. ID timing: sec, G1, 5 stars, 8 candidates May 17 16