The 8 Millennium Development Goals. Eradicate Extreme Hunger and Poverty Kazakhstan (Now) 4.5% Low Birthweight –2008-2012 3.7% Underweight –2008-2012.


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Presentation transcript:

The 8 Millennium Development Goals

Eradicate Extreme Hunger and Poverty Kazakhstan (Now) 4.5% Low Birthweight – % Underweight – Moderate-Severe 0.1% Population below international poverty line of US$1.25 per day (%) * GNI per capita (US$) = $9730 –2012 The Goal: To cut the rate of hunger by half between 1990 and To make productive and decent work available to all people. To cut the amount of people living on less than $1.25 a day, in half. Ecuador ( Now) 8% Low Birthweight % Underweight Moderate- Severe 4.6% Population below international poverty line of US$1.25 per day (%) * GNI per capita (US$) = $

Goal Achieved in 2004 Methods Put in Place –High Prices globally for wheat and oil –GDP rose from 9.7% in 2005 to 10.7% in 2006 according to UNICEF –Income Poverty was decreased by 50% –Iodine deficiency being solved with iodized salt –Flour fortification with iron and folic acid INDICATORS: - The proportion of people whose income is less than one dollar a day: insufficient progress - The proportion of people who suffer from hunger : on track to meet the progress - Proportion of population below minimum level of dietary energy consumption: rapid progress KazakhstanEcuador How are they doing?

We feel that Kazakhstan is doing better than Ecuador because there is a lower percentage of the population below the poverty line Kazakhstan has a greater Gross National Income. Who’s Doing Better?

Achieve a Universal Primary Education Kazakhstan (Now) 99.8% Male Youth (15-24 years) literacy rate – * 99.9% Female Youth (15-24 years) literacy rate – * 110.7% Primary school participation, Gross enrollment ratio, male and female – * The Goal: That both boys and girls will have a full primary education available to them by Ecuador (Now) 98.6% Male Youth (15-24 years) literacy rate – * 98.8% Female Youth (15-24 years) literacy rate – * 120.7% Primary school participation, Gross enrollment ratio, male and female – *

Acheived Methods Put in Place –Opening new schools 2008 = 80 new = goal of 245 new –New education laws Government developed statewide standards –Increased spending 2005 = 2.5% was spent on educaton 2006 = 3% was spent on education –Access to primary school is high –Low student:teacher ratio 11:1 –Goal to increase teacher salaries INDICATORS: - Net enrolment ratio in primary education: Rapid Progress - Primary completion rate among 15- to 19-year-olds: insufficient progress KazakhstanEcuador How are they doing?

Who’s Doing Better? We feel that is both countries are fairly equal as far as literacy rate for men and women, however, Ecuador is beating Kazakhstan on the amount of Primary school participation.

Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women Kazakhstan (Now) Secondary school participation, Net enrolment ratio * –Male 89.9% –Female 89.2% Adult literacy rate: –females as a % of males 99.9% * The Soviet Union (Kazakhstan Before 1991) Literacy rate 99.9% Ecuador (Now) Secondary school participation, Net enrolment ratio * –Male 73.5% –Female 75.1% Adult literacy rate: –females as a % of males 97% * The Goal: Achieve equality for both men and women, especially in education by 2015

Achieved in Education, but not in other things – women rarely hold powerful positions and are underrepresented in the labor force. Methods Put in Place –The number of women represented in Parliament is increasing –Laws passed on Equal Rights for men and women INDICATORS: - Ratio of girls to boys in primary education: Rapid progress KazakhstanEcuador How are they doing?

Who’s Doing Better? We feel that Kazakhstan is doing better than Ecuador because there is a higher percentage of women who are literate and also who attend Secondary school.

Reduce Child Mortality Kazakhstan (Now) Under-5 mortality rate = 19 per 1000 live births –2012 Infant mortality rate = 17 per 1,000 live births –(under 1), 2012 Life expectancy at birth (years) = 66.4 –2012 The Soviet Union (Kazakhstan Before 1991) Under-5 mortality rate = 54 per 1000 live births –1990 Infant mortality rate = 46 per 1,000 live births –(under 1), 1990 Life expectancy at birth (years) = –64.8 years male, –73.8 years female (1989) The Goal: Reduce the child mortality rate of children under 5 by two thirds between 1990 and 2015

4. Reduce Child Mortality Ecuador (now) Under-5 mortality rate = 83 per 1000 live births –2012 Infant mortality rate = 44 per 1,000 live births –(under 1), 2012 Life expectancy at birth (years) = 76.2 –2012

Not Achieved Methods Put in Place –Live birth criteria of 2008 = increase of IM registration –Laws being passed = National health system reform –Principles of safe motherhood are being implemented Indicators: - Under-five mortality rate: On track to meet the target - Infant mortality rate: Rapid progress KazakhstanEcuador How are they doing?

Who’s Doing Better? We feel that Kazakhstan is doing better than Ecuador in child mortality because there is a lower percentage of children dying under the age of 5. However, Ecuador has a higher life expectancy… so if you live past the age of 5 in Ecuador you will live longer than in Kazakhstan.

Improve Maternal Health Kazakhstan (Now) Antenatal care = 99.2% – *, At least one visit Use of Contraceptive = 51% – * Delivery care, Skilled attendant at birth = 100% – * The Goal: By 2015, reduce the maternal mortality rate by three quarters, and provide access to reproductive health everywhere. Ecuador (Now) Antenatal care = 84.2% – *, At least one visit Use of Contraceptive = 72.7% – * Delivery care, Skilled attendant at birth = 98.2% – *

Not Achieved –“Given that to reduce maternal mortality after it has been achieved a relatively low threshold level is very difficult.” Methods Put in Place –Principles of safe motherhood are being implemented –Presidential Decree № 310 –Various other documents about medicine for pregnant women, health care services, maternity hospitals, etc. Indicators: - Maternal mortality ratio: 142 KazakhstanEcuador How are they doing?

Who’s Doing Better? We feel that Kazakhstan is doing better than Ecuador because there are more women who are able to visit a doctor at least once while they are pregnant. However, there is a higher percentage in Ecuador who use birth control.

Combat HIV/AIDS and Other Diseases Kazakhstan (Now) People of all ages living with HIV = No data –(thousands) 2012, estimate Prevention among young people (aged 15-24), Comprehensive knowledge of HIV –Male = 34.1% –Female = 36.2% Condom use among young people with multiple partners –Male = 76.2% –Female = 73.5% The Goal: By 2015, have stopped and reversed the spread of HIV/AIDS, malaria and other major diseases. By 2010, have universal treatment available for those with HIV/AIDS. Ecuador (Now) People of all ages living with HIV = Low = 36, High= 99 (thousands) 2012, estimate Prevention among young people (aged 15-24), Comprehensive knowledge of HIV –Male =No Data –Female = No Data Condom use among young people with multiple partners –Male = No Data –Female = No Data

Not yet achieved, but HIV/AIDS are only found within sex workers and injection drug users Source: Kazakhstan How are they doing? Methods Put in Place AIDS centers 253 facilities for voluntary testing and counseling Programs on HIV counteraction HIV case registration Universal Access to Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support for cases of HIV infection

We feel that Kazakhstan is probably doing better than Ecuador on this goal. It was a little hard for this one, just because there is not information on this from Kazakhstan, but from the data we do have, Kazakhstan seems like it would be doing better. Who’s Doing Better?

Ensure Environmental Sustainability Kazakhstan (Now) Use of improved sanitation facilities –Urban = 96.8% –Rural = 97.9% 2010 Use of improved drinking water sources 2011 –total = 94.8% The Goal: Halve the amount of people without access to basic sanitation and safe drinking water by Improve the living conditions of at least 100 million slum dwellers by Reduce biodiversity loss and environmental resources. Ecuador (Now) Use of improved sanitation facilities –Urban = 96.2% –Rural = 86.1% 2010 Use of improved drinking water sources 2011 –total = 91.8%

Not Achieved –Not good water supply –Slum formation Methods Put in Place –Rules and regulations about the way to use the natural resources –Construction and reconstruction of water supplies –Homeless shelters –Sanitation will hopefully go up when water quality goes up Kazakhstan How are they doing?

Kazakhstan and Ecuador are pretty close on their sanitation and access to clean water. In the Urban areas, they are almost the same percentage, but Kazakhstan is beating Ecuador as far as the rural areas are concerned. Who’s Doing Better?

Develop Global Partnership for Development Kazakhstan (Now) ODA (Official Development Assistance) inflow in millions US$ = $213.3 million –2010 Debt service as a % of exports of goods and services 2010 = 34.2% The Goal: Adopt a better financial and trading system with rule and no discrimination. Help the least developed countries, and landlocked developing countries and small islands. Help developing countries combat debt. Provide affordable medicine to developing countries. Help developing countries gain access to technologies and information. Ecuador (Now) ODA (Official Development Assistance) inflow in millions US$ = $162.6 million –2010 Debt service as a % of exports of goods and services 2010 = 8.6%

Not yet Achieved (?) Methods Put in Place –It is becoming more active internationally due to its natural resources –Government still very much in control Kazakhstan How are they doing?

From what we can see, Kazakhstan has more debt than Ecuador. Ecuador is receiving less money for development than Kazakhstan. Who’s Doing Better?