Sustaining Asia ‘s Economic Recovery: Challenges and Opportunities Dr Thein Swe Payap University Chiang Mai, Thailand. 6 th Asia Economic Forum Phnom Penh, Cambodia. January 20 – 21, 2010
Table 1 World Economic Outlook Projections (percent change) ProjectIon World Output……………………… Advanced economies…………… United States …………………… Euro area ……………………… Japan …………………………… Emerging and developing economies Developing Asia………………… China …………………………… India……………………………… Asean – 5 ………………………… ( Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand & Viet Nam) Source: World Economic Outlook IMF 2009.
Table 2 Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Annual percent change) Country Australia Japan New Zealand Singapore Korea Malaysia Thailand China Philippines Indonesia Viet Nam India Cambodia Source: World Economic Outlook, October 2009, Sustainng the Recovery, International Monetary Fund, 2009.
Table 3 Direction of Trade: Merchandize Exports (Percent of Total Merchandize Exports) CountryAsiaEuropeN & C AmericaMiddle EastOthers Singapore Korea Malaysia Thailand China Philippines Indonesia Viet Nam Lao PDR India Cambodia Source: ADB Key Indicators 2009.
Table 4 Gini Index, A Measure of Income Inequality / 1 HDIGDP per capitaShare of IncomeInequality Measures CountryRank2009US$ PPPPoorestRichest Richest 10% toIndex 10% Poorest 10% Norway10.971$54, Australia20.960$34, Japan $33, USA $45, New Zealand $27,3362, Singapore $49, Korea $24, Malaysia $13, ` Thailand $8, China $5, Philippines $3, Indonesia $3, Viet Nam $2, Lao PDR $2, India $2, Cambodia $1, , SOURCE: UNDP Human Development Report 2009.
Table 5 Gross Domestic Saving (Percent of GDP) Country Australia Japan n.a. New Zealand n.a. Singapore Korea Malaysia Thailand31/ China Philippines Indonesia Viet Nam India n.a. Cambodia Source: ADB Key Indicators 2009.
Table 6 THREE SCENARIOS TO REDUCE POVERTY AND INEQUALITY SCENARIO ONE Increasing Income SCENARIO TWO Reduce Income Inequality SCENARIO THREE Increase Social Mobility and Space
EAS (ASEAN + 6) - Australia - New Zealand - India ASEAN+3 - Japan - Republic of Korea - People’s Republic of China ASEAN - Philippines - Thailand - Malaysis - Myanmar - Singapore -Lao PDR - Indonesia -Cambodia - Brunei Darussalam - Viet Nam Focus on the core Regional Cooperation Source: Emerging Asian Regionalism, ADB 2008